Necromantic and demonic witchcraft: how long time does it take for a spell to show results?









Necromantic and demonic witchcraft are not equally powerful. The dead are more powerful than demons.



Necromantic and demonic witchcraft are not equally powerful. The dead are more powerful than demons. Spells with the participation of the dead manifest results faster.

In this post I want to explore the timeframes of spells. I will be giving you several examples and explain why some spells work very fast while other spells work slower.

Some spells may fail or even worse: backfire on us. If you perform a spell when the moon is moving backwards (out of phase movement), there is a high risk that your spell will cause chaotic events in your life.

I will not touch the subject of curses, because I don’t like them. But, yes, curses can backfire too.





Necromantic and demonic witchcraft:

love spells




Demon Sallos is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



Love spells done with the participation of Goetia demons and dead soldiers manifest results very fast. The results are seen within 1 or 1,5 months. Fast results are seen because:

dead men extract pleasure from being a part of a living human (the target of the spell)

dead soldiers are robots and they obey orders

Dead soldiers who were killed at a young age also want love and sex. It is for this reason they enjoy participating in love spells that eventually lead to sex

Love spells that are done with the participation of Goetia demons produce good results within 1, 5 – 3 months.




Can love spells fail?



Yes, some love spells can fail. Love spells may fail in the following cases:

if a man hates a woman (they had many fights), I doubt that love spells can help to mend their relationship

if a woman hates a man (because he abused her physically), I doubt that a love spell can mend their relationship

if one member of the couple was unfaithful, no love spell will help to mend the relationship

if the target of the love spell is already in a relationship or married

if the target of the spell has no plans to be in a love relationship (is focused only on work)

if the target is “damaged” and is very afraid of relationships with humans

if the target of the spell is of another sexual orientation (object sexuality, gay or lesbian, or straight)





It is a sad fact: not all men and women want a relationship. Most modern men want sex and personal freedom. Some modern women will not agree to be in a relationship with a man, because they value personal freedom above all.

If you had a short relationship with a man or a woman, and your relationship is coming to an end, this means that he or she wanted sex or something else, did not have serious intentions and acted carelessly towards you.

You can do a love spell, but you should examine the reasons behind the ending of your relationship.



Reason 1: the fear of love



Did you know about object sexuality? Some people are very damaged internally, because they suffered during their childhood. When a man or a woman is very afraid of romantic relationships, the person may choose to seek out a physical object as a mate.

Such people will try to destroy a beginning love relationship with different methods. If they are Witches, they will do spells to change the circumstances.

Love spells on such people will fail, because they will resist and finally run away. Even if you succeed to trap them in your arms for a couple of months, they will escape from you.

Such people don’t want to be in love relationships with humans (they protect their psyche from traumatic experiences). Its pointless to do love spells on such individuals.


Reason 2: they just wanted sex



This case is more typical of a man. Males want sex and they easily become scared when a woman goes serious by falling in love with them. As soon as you make your confessions to such men, they will back off and start running away.

Love spells done on such men may still produce good results. Almost all men will try to slow down at some point in the relationship, because they will be trying to regain personal freedom.

If the man suddenly realises that he truly loves his woman, he will come back to the woman after his pause is over. The pause usually lasts a couple of months. Men do not fall in love in the same way like women do. Most men are a little bit slower to fall in love with a woman.

The best Goetia demons for love spells are Sitri, Zepar, Sallos and Dantalion. I have only done spells with these four demons. Beleth is not to my liking, because he is said to be angry and stubborn.





Necromantic and demonic witchcraft:

money spells




Demon Bune is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



Money spells are tricky in our times. There must be jobs available on the labour market for a money spell to bring you results. Or, you must create opportunities for yourself to earn money.

But when more and more people are becoming unemployed in the USA and in Europe, even the self employed person or a company must begin moving their business to other geographical regions.

If you have recently lost your job, a money spell may fail, because you have no idea how to earn money while there are no jobs out there on the labour market.

Suppose that you have a hobby and you are good at making unique pieces of furniture for children. You can turn your hobby into a business and gradually go from unemployed to self employed status.

A money spell will push you into action and the demons will guide you step by step: how to set up your business platforms and how to market your products to parents of the children.

This process may take some time: 2 or 4 years. One money spell runs during a year or little longer. When it comes to being a self employed person, it is also important to have a sharp intuition.

To move a business from one geographical region to another takes a very long time. For this reason you must keep an eye on the BNP, unemployment statistics, and economic development in different countries all the time.

You will have a gut feeling that it is time to move to other parts of the world when:

you start observing large companies starting to expand and move their business to other parts of the world

when the unemployment is becoming huge in the country of your regular clients

when you read between the lines in the newspapers about possible future conflicts and wars

So, in conclusion, money spells are tricky during these hard times. If you need to reorient your business, you can do reversal spells with bleach and ask the demons to guide you.

After a row of such spells, you will be on your way to other geographical regions. With time, these new geographical regions will be flourishing due to investments of money, while other geographical regions will become abandoned.

Dead military guys are of great help in money spells, because they know the future. They can help you to take security measures and also guide you step by step.

The best demons for money spells are Purson, Bune, Belial, Lucifer, Lucifuge Rofocale and Mephistophilis.





Necromantic and demonic witchcraft:

healing spells



Demon Marbas is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.




Healing diabetes is a long process. One spell will not be enough to heal diabetes, but the spell will run during a year or so. Several spells will be needed, because the production of Insulin is regulated by many chemical substances.

I cannot estimate how many healing spells will be needed to completely heal diabetes. Please always keep in touch with your doctor and follow your medication routines.

Healing cancer is a long process too. One spell will not be enough to cure cancer. This also depends upon the type of cancer. Some types of cancer are very aggressive and spread rapidly in the body.

You must observe the results after one spell. If you notice even one small sign that the spell helped in some way, then there is hope. The best demons for healing spells are Marbas and Heramael.





Necromantic and demonic witchcraft: curses




Demon Andromalius is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



Curses can take up to several years to show you results. But some curses work fast. How fast a curse affects the target also depends upon the thinking patterns of the target and upon the nature of your curse.

If the target of your spell is predominantly in a positive mode of attraction (they strictly control their thoughts or an entity controls them from the astral plane), your curse will not have any bad impact on the target.

But curses can backfire and backfire very badly. Personally, I do not like curses. I am very peaceful.






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The planetary talisman of Venus and ghost witchcraft: a beauty spell









This is the planetary talisman of Venus: square of Venus, the seal of Venus and the seals of Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim.



The planetary talisman of Venus is very effective and results start to manifest right during the next day. Magick with the talisman of Venus can be combined with necromantic magick on ghosts of dead military staff.

This type of magick was taught to me by demon Eligos who helps women to gain favours of lords and knights (dead military personnel).

First, I want to explain how this talisman will help a woman even if she is not magickally involved with ghosts of dead military staff or ghosts of some other dead people.

After that, I want to explain how you can make your beauty and weight spells more effective and more powerful.

I will describe the rituals I do for myself and for the ghosts of dead military staff. Such magick helps me to get rid of extra weight faster. The spirits also regard me as their favourite woman. I love to look good.

But how did I end up in the company of dead military personnel? Step by step. Barzabel taught me magickal warfare on a very good level. With time more and more spirits of dead military staff started to show up. They were introducing themselves to me though their mutual friends.

So, lets begin.





The planetary talisman of Venus:

how it can help a woman




This is the planetary talisman of Venus: square of Venus, the seal of Venus and the seals of Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim.



The above attached picture shows you the planetary talisman of Venus. This talisman consists of the following symbols:

the square of Venus

the sigil or seal of planet Venus

the sigil of Hagiel (the Intelligence spirit of Venus)

the sigil of Kedemel (the spirit/ demon of Venus)

the sigil of a group of Intelligence spirits of Venus (Bne Seraphim)

The talisman helped me to upgrade my appearance. I started upgrading my self image 2,5 years ago. First I was doing rituals with Hagith only.

When my weight became stuck, I started to do regular spells with the planetary talisman of Venus. Today, I am very pleased with my weight and my emotional well being.




Venus talisman: properties (F. Barrett)



It is believed that the Intelligence spirits of Venus, Hagiel and the Bne Seraphim are benevolent, while Kedemel is malevolent. The duties of Hagiel and the Bne Seraphim are to direct and control the spirit or demon of Venus, Kedemel.

The planetary talisman of Venus will end all strife in your life. Moreover, the talisman of Venus will procure the love of the opposite sex and also help to conceive children (it is good against barrenness).

The talisman of Venus can be used by farmers to help their cattle to generate healthy offspring.

The talisman of Venus will dissolve your depressions and addictions, protect you and dissolve all evil magick done on you.

Moreover, if you carry the talisman of Venus with you while you travel, the talisman will keep you safe during travels.



Venus talisman: properties (my experience)



These spirits teach the art of make up. They will help a woman to control her weight, to stay attractive, young and desirable. The spirits of Venus teach to dress well and with style.

The talisman of Venus makes me behave very nicely towards the spirits of the dead and this ensures that I am alive.

I use the talisman of Venus when I start to fear my dead admirers. The talisman of Venus helps us all to recharge our magickal relationships with passion for each other.

I am the giver of love and fun and if I continue to love my spirits, and entertain them, the spirits of the dead will love and protect me loyally.

Because all my spirits are males, I have to act in strategic ways by spotting each dead man’s week spot. All of them are hungry for feminine attention and love.





The planetary talisman of Venus:

a beauty spell with ghosts



You will need:

The planetary talisman of Venus

the seal of Hagith

the seals of Lucifer and Murmur

graveyard dirt from the graves of dead military personnel and/or

war helmets that have been in the graves

grave candles for the dead (pour in necromancy oil)

a white candle (paint with sunflower oil and roll in cinnamon)

a paper doll of yourself (for the beauty spell)

honey, cinnamon sticks, 1 rose quartz bead, dried roses, chocolate powder, vanilla powder, cinnamon powder, 5 sunflower seeds

a doll (or several textile dolls) that will represent your ghosts

napkins, wrapping paper and scotch tape

a small strip of paper with this text:

“I am very lucky that I met my love. I was so sad before, but when I met my love, I became a happy man. She is adorable and she is so nice to me.

My love is the giver of love and fun, a real temptress, and I cannot resist her kindness and charm. I want to hug her all the time. I am a very happy man everyday.”





The planetary talisman of Venus:

the ritual



You will have to summon Lucifer, Murmur, the spirits of the dead, Hagiel, Kedemel, Bne Seraphim and Hagith. Explain your concerns and ask the spirits to:

help you to release your insecurities

to remain the favourite woman in the eyes of your spirits

to upgrade your appearance and to teach you more make up art

to regain back your trust in the spirits of the dead

After this, the paper doll is activated (it represents you). The doll is painted with honey and coated with the following herbal mixture:

cinnamon sticks, 1 rose quartz bead, dried roses, chocolate powder, vanilla powder, cinnamon powder, 5 sunflower seeds

A spell is spoken over the doll 3 times. The words of the spell must be wisely chosen to ensure that you are favoured by the spirits of the dead.

After this step, the doll and the herbs are packed into wrapping paper and secured with tape.




Now, I will describe the spell on the ghosts of dead military staff. The dolls are activated. The phrases (written on the strip of paper) are read to the doll 3 times.

The strip of paper is painted with honey and powdered with chocolate powder, vanilla powder and cinnamon powder. The paper is folded and inserted into the head cavity of the doll (dolls).

The doll of the ghost (dolls of the ghosts) are rubbed with a mixture of chocolate powder, vanilla powder and cinnamon powder. Keep the dolls in a safe place (just in case if magick takes a dangerous path).

A spell is spoken over the doll 3 times. You will see changes to the better during the next day, because the ghosts of the dead will start to change your stagnated thought pattern very fast.

You will start to relax and your relationship with the spirits of the dead will improve. Your attitude will change from cold to passionate.

The danger with necromancy is that the spirits of the dead are like hungry vampires. They want love and attention from the witch.

I ignite my passion for the spirits all the time to ensure that I am favoured by the spirits of the dead.

Do this spell at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for the consequences of your magick. You should trust the spirits and be in a close working relationship with them during several years (before you do this spell).




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Love spells for carnal and platonic love: witchcraft with ghosts and demons









Necromantic and demonic magick can be combined: love spells can grant you carnal and also platonic love.



Necromantic and demonic magick can be combined: love spells can grant you carnal love with human partners and also platonic love with ghostsOf course, it is up to you which kind of love you desire and for what purpose.

I am in very close relationships with several ghosts. My ghosts are males and they specialise themselves in different types of magick:

law and justice (law, taxes, income declarations)

love magick and romantic relationships (flirting with women)

protection (wise advice, guarding, warning and fighting with enemies)

Love spells can be done on ghosts too. I do love spells on a male ghost in order to make him happy, because I knew about his romantic feelings for me right from the beginning.

But when I discovered that the ghost was in love with me, I became speechless. Love affairs with the dead do happen, and such love is very long lasting.

You will want to form very close relationships with the human or the ghost that will become attracted to you. A ghost in love with you, will cooperate with you and with the demons. It will protect you and enhance all your spells.






Necromantic and demonic magick: love spells



A love spell to attract human partners




Demon Dantalion is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



I summon Sallos and Dantalion during one and the same love ritual. These two demons love and enjoy each other. You can also call upon your favourite ghost (be sure that the ghost will not become jealous).

The ghost can kill you if you make it jealous. The ghost can enter you (you will not be aware of this) and make you cross a busy street to kill you. So be very careful with ghosts.

This love spell is non manipulative in nature, because it does not target anyone specific. It is done outdoors and it uses the moonshine as its fuel. The moon should be full when you do this spell. It is also desirable to do this love spell during a Friday.




You will need:

a rose quartz crystal

a love list of your future partner

oils for the list: cinnamon, rose, jasmine or lavender

a small bag







Cast a circle and summon Sallos and Dantalion. Read the love list for the demons. Dab a few drops of cinnamon, rose, jasmine or lavender oils on the list. Fold the list.

Hold the rose quartz in your palm and let the moon shine on the stone. Ask the spirits of the stone to help you find the love you seek. Stuff the love list and the stone into the small bag.

Finish the ritual. Carry the bag with the stone and the love list all the time.





Necromantic and demonic magick: love spells



A love spell to attract ghost partners




Demon Murmur is one of the best necromancy demons. This is his seal.



Three demons are summoned: Murmur, Sallos and Dantalion. A love list of a ghost partner must be read to all three demons and to the spirits of the rose quartz.

An example of a love list is here:

a kind and compassionate male ghost

a male ghost who died early and without having enjoyed the love of a woman

a male ghost who was a police (or a researcher, lawyer, doctor)

a male ghost who will be happy to assist me in my magick

a male ghost who will gladly become friends with the demons

a loyal male ghost (you want the ghost to stay with you)


You will need:

a rose quartz crystal

a love list of your future ghost partner

oils for the list: cinnamon, rose, jasmine or lavender

a small bag


It is wise to specify the ghost’s gender in your love list as well as the abilities of the ghost (to assist you in your magick). A ghost who is naturally attracted to you, will enjoy your rituals, cooperate with the demons and enhance your spells.

You can do this spell in the cemetery or at home. Carry the stone and the love list in a bag all the time. Murmur, Sallos and Dantalion will introduce you to the ghost.

After the demons have introduced you to the ghost, a ritual should be done. This ritual is a test ritual. Ask the ghost to give you a sign if it is attracted to you.

You will receive very clear signs, but beware. Ghosts take place in humans and give signs. Do not allow yourself to fall in love with the human presented to you by the ghost.

If you do, the ghost will become furious and chase away the human partner. It will create chaos for you and the human, and prove to you that it is angry and jealous (a jealous ghost is very dangerous).

Just wait for more signs from the ghost. After a while, you can do a second test ritual and ask the ghost to enter you and give you more signs.





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Demon Dantalion & a spell to forget a lover









Demon Dantalion is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Demon Dantalion from Goetia can help you to forget a lover. I have done such spells on myself and the spells made me totally indifferent to the man of my interest.

After one year I lost all interest in the man of my interest. Dantalion brainwashed me gradually and very neatly into total indifference, and I started to enjoy my life to the fullest.

I love Dantalion for his unique ability to change my thoughts in any direction I desire. But thats not all. I have manipulated my Rose Breasted cockatoo to love me too.

How? I had cast love spells on the angry bird. Dantalion can change the thoughts and feelings of animals too, and without any harm to the animal.




Demon Dantalion: Goetia


Dantalion is the 71st spirit and he is ranked as a Duke. He shows up in the form of a man with many faces (all men’s and women’s faces) and he holds a book in his right hand.

Dantalion can teach you any arts and sciences and he will also declare to you the secret counsels of any person. Dantalion knows the thoughts of all men and women and he can change them as he desires.

This spirit can cause love. Finally, Dantalion rules 36 legions of spirits.

Source: Goetia




Dantalion: Daemonolatry Goetia


Dantalion can bring about feelings of compassion for others. He can teach one to become more compassionate and understanding.

Source: Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly



Demons Dantalion & Barzabel: healing phobias



Demon of Mars, Barzabel, is described in The three books of Occult philosophy by H. C Agrippa. This is the planetary talisman of Mars.



If you have been very badly hurt by your past relationship and fear entering into a new love relationship or continuing it, you can do spells to chill down your feelings.

Such magick is gradual, but it works. After a couple of months you will notice that you are becoming a bit indifferent to your lover. You cannot become hurt if you are relaxed and a bit indifferent to your lover.

Such magick is very cruel both towards your lover and you, but this is the only way to protect yourself. When your lover notices that you are relaxed and a little bit indifferent, he (or she) will become shocked, and this could lead to conflicts.

But if you have a very understanding lover, you might want to explain what kind of magick you did on yourself and why. The two demons who can help you are Barzabel and Dantalion.

I did bleach jar spells with Barzabel to slow down the events and to chill down my fearful and obsessive thinking. In fact, I did many spells with Barzabel and asked him to teach me magick to protect my heart.

Barzabel gave me the courage to start “falling out of love” with the man of my interest. Barzabel also led me to practice special affirmations to attract only the best attitude and behaviours towards me from the man.

After a while I was doing a pact with Dantalion. I asked Dantalion to protect my heart and to help me to chill down my fears. I asked: “Please protect my heart and help me to be in charge of my feelings. Help me to banish my fears”.

It is good if your lover is travelling a lot due to work while Dantalion is brainwashing you into emotional indifference. Your lover will be surprised upon return.


Demon Dantalion: the spell ingredients


If you have decided that you want to forget a lover, then these are the ingredients you will need:

a doll of yourself

the seal of Dantalion

a black candle (paint with olive oil and apply crushed bay leaves and crushed sage)

stuffing for the head cavity: mint oil, crushed mint and commanding powder

specific thoughts written upon a tiny piece of paper (stuff into the doll’s head cavity)




Do this…


Read the thoughts to your doll. Apply mint oil to the tiny piece of paper. Stuff this paper into the head cavity of the doll. Pour in commanding powder and crushed mint into the head cavity too.

Rub the doll with commanding powder and say your spell over the doll 3 times. That is it! After a couple of months you will notice that you are becoming indifferent and you will think less about your lover.

I offer you another good spell that will help you to forget your lover. You can summon Dantalion during this spell too.

Long ago I did a love spell for myself, but I panicked and started a reversal. No, I did not cast a spell on a specific person. I just asked the Universe to bring me a specific person.







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The talisman of Venus: a beauty spell with Hagiel, Kedemel & Bne Seraphim









This is the planetary talisman of Venus: square of Venus, the seal of Venus and the seals of Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim.



This post is about beauty magick with the planetary talisman of Venus. The above attached picture shows you the planetary talisman of Venus. This talisman consists of the following symbols:

the square of Venus

the sigil or seal of planet Venus

the sigil of Hagiel (the Intelligence spirit of Venus)

the sigil of Kedemel (the spirit/ demon of Venus)

the sigil of a group of Intelligence spirits of Venus (Bne Seraphim)




Venus talisman: properties



It is believed that the Intelligence spirits of Venus, Hagiel and the Bne Seraphim are benevolent, while Kedemel is malevolent. The duties of Hagiel and the Bne Seraphim are to direct and control the spirit or demon of Venus, Kedemel.

The planetary talisman of Venus will end all strife in your life. Moreover, the talisman of Venus will procure the love of the opposite sex and also help to conceive children (it is good against barrenness).

The talisman of Venus can be used by farmers to help their cattle to generate healthy offspring.

The talisman of Venus will dissolve your depressions and addictions, protect you and dissolve all evil magick done on you.

Moreover, if you carry the talisman of Venus with you while you travel, the talisman will keep you safe during travels.




Talisman of Venus: timing



I have a post about good and bad dates during 2020 for magick with the planetary talisman of Venus. It is desirable that the moon be waxing or full, and also in conjunction with Venus when you do magick with the talisman of Venus.

Of course, Friday is the best day for magick with the planetary talisman of Venus. If you want to fine tune your magick, you can do your ritual during the astrological hour of Venus.




Netzach: the correspondences



This is the Tree of Life.
Netzach is ruled by the planet Venus. You can use the correspondences of Netzach when you want to create the talisman of Venus.



The correspondences of Netzach are such:

ruling planet: Venus

day: Friday

astrological hour: Venus

paper seal colour: green

altar cloth: green

metal seal: copper

paper seal: green

gem: emerald (I use green gems like green agate)

I also use cinnamon on charcoal as a scent. Sandalwood scent is also good.




The beauty spell ingredients



You will need:

the planetary talisman of Venus (seals/sigils of Hagiel, Kedemel, Bne Seraphim and the seal of Venus)

oil for the talisman and the pendant: cinnamon

a pink candle (paint with sunflower oil and roll in cinnamon)

dried roses

cinnamon sticks

powdered cinnamon

a pendant for regular use




The spirits of Venus: evocations



Kedemel is the demon of Venus while Hagiel and Bne Seraphim are the thinking apparatus of Venus. Hagiel and Bne Seraphim control Kedemel.

For this reason all three spirits, that is, Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim are summoned during the beauty ritual. Kedemel is given a task of helping to get physically fit and take care of the skin, nails, and hair.

Hagiel and Bne Seraphim are given a task of controlling or tempering Kedemel. You can compose your own evocations and use phrases that speak to you.

At the end of the ritual, you should thank the spirits of Venus for helping you. A permission to depart is given to Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim.

The Olympic spirit Hagith pointed me in the right direction and led me to the spirits of Venus. And it is a pleasure to collaborate with the spirits of Venus.




The ritual



Light the candle and speak your evocations. The spirits will arrive and you will understand this on a subconscious level by seeing visions.

Request help with specific issues like a stuck weight loss process. Place your pendant on the planetary talisman of Venus and surround it with the herbs. Apply cinnamon oil to the talisman and the pendant.

Raise power and place your palms on your pendant. Visualise the results you want to manifest. That is it! Wear the pendant on a regular basis.

You can save the planetary talisman of Venus for your future rituals.




Update 2020-05-27


This talisman is very effective. When I did this beauty spell my weight was 73 kg. Now my weight is 67 kg. I eat mostly salads, fish, meat, vegetables, cheese and eggs.

But I also started to eat rice, bread and macaroni, but only once per month. I did not exercise at all to loose my weight. I was simply pleasantly surprised when I saw how thin I have become.

I also advice to do regular beauty spells with Satanachia. The picture of me and the videos of me on this website show how I looked one year ago.

Now I look at a lot healthier and slimmer. I am very pleased with the planetary talisman of Venus.




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Goetia love spells: how to fight off and reverse a love spell









Demon Sitri is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



Goetia love spells are for those people who do not fear demons. The best love demons are Sitri, Sallos, Dantalion and Zepar. In most cases love spells work very well.

But what if you are under a toxic love spell? There are several demons in the Goetia who can help in matters of love. The best love demons are Sitri, Sallos and Dantalion.

Of course, the right spell technique must be chosen and the timing of the ritual must be considered with care too. Be sure your target is asleep.

Love spells can be turned into obsession spells if dead soldiers are participating in the ritual. There is no limit to the number of dead soldiers you can call upon.

Dead men (trusted contacts!) can also be summoned during a necromantic ritual and instructed to induce feelings of love in the target of the spell.

Be aware though, that the pull of the spell will be very strong. Can you handle such a force mentally and emotionally? Love spells influence both parties and you have to know this.




Goetia love spells:

the best Goetia demons for love spells



Demon Sitri is capable of kidnapping the mind of the target.



But what if you have become the object of someones obsessive desire? What if they will not give up their hunt after you? Such situations can become very annoying and also cause lots of fear.

A man can get obsessed with a woman and want her for himself for any price. If the woman cannot return the feelings of the man, then she will be attacked with love spells almost all the time.

When all this will fail, she will be the recipient of curses. But why will the love spells fail? They will fail, if she reverses them and sends back this toxic energy to the sender.

But still, the target of the love spells will be in danger all the time, because love spells have the capacity to kidnap the target. They kidnap the mind.

Be sure that you never ever leave or give out any of your own DNA like blood, hair or fingerprints to the one who wants you for himself/herself.




Demon Dantalion is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



Dantalion is the 71st spirit and he is ranked as a Duke. He shows up in the form of a man with many faces (all men’s and women’s faces) and he holds a book in his right hand.

Dantalion can teach you any arts and sciences and he will also declare to you the secret counsels of any person. Dantalion knows the thoughts of all men and women and he can change them as he desires.

This spirit can cause love. Finally, Dantalion rules 36 legions of spirits.

Source: Goetia

Demon Dantalion can change the thoughts of the target and this is the danger of the Occult. This demon causes a gradual brainwashing of the target into another thinking.

Below I offer you a short video about Dantalion and his talents. This is the demon of the human mind. Dantalion teaches to think in different ways to solve complex problems.

Dantalion also reveals the secret thoughts of others to us. He does this during dreams and he speaks with a male’s voice. Dantalion is very informative and discloses many details.







Demon Sallos is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



The 19th spirit is Sallos. He is a Duke and appears in the form of a Soldier. Sallos rides upon a crocodile and he wears a crown upon his head. He comes in a peaceful way.

Sallos causes love between a woman and a man. This spirit rules over 30 legions of lesser spirits.

Source: Goetia

Sallos too can cause obsessive thought patterns and force people to fall in love with each other. Moreover, it is said that Sallos can help to repair or mend complex relationships.




Signs you are under a love spell



There are some signs that will indicate that you are under a love spell. Lets talk about these signs:

constant dreams about the one who is doing magick on you

dreams of a intimate nature (notice if you resist these contacts in dreams). If you resist, then your subconscious mind is alarming you about the danger

the one who is casting spells on you will show up in dreams with messages for you

constant thoughts about the one who is doing magick on you

feelings of fear (if you resist this person)

anger (if you are resisting this person)




Goetia love spells:

how to reverse them?



This is the seal of Sabnock from Goetia.



Sabnock is a great marquis. He comes as an armed soldier with a lions head, sitting on a pale horse. He builds high towers full of weapons, and also castles and cities.

He inflicts people during 30 days with wounds rotten and full of maggots. Sabnock gives good Familiar spirits. This demon rules 50 legions of spirits.

Source: Johann Weyer, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum

Demon Sabnock from Goetia can help you to build up a high wall of protection against intruders. Do magick with this demon at least two times per month.

You can create a Witch’s bottle for yourself to protect yourself from love spells and curses too. Below I offer you a video about how to create Witch’s bottles for pets, but the principle is the same for humans.






I also offer you another video about reversal magick. This method can be used to send back love spells that are cast on you. Again, Sabnock is the one who helps to reverse love spells and curses.








Real life action


If you are single, it is a clever idea to find a friend who can pretend to be your boyfriend to stop the one who is casting love spells on you.

Change your relationship status on all social media accounts from single to: in a relationship. Why?

The one who practices the Occult will start to estimate the input of efforts to get you into his [her] claws. It is much more difficult to break up a stable relationship between two people who love each other.

Be very polite, but firm in your interactions. Say: No, I cannot meet with you, because I have a boyfriend”.





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Necromantic magick: black magick love spells with dead soldiers and demons









Necromantic love spells with dead soldiers and demons are very powerful and the pull of the spell is enormous.
Necromantic love spells with dead soldiers and demons are very powerful and the pull of the spell is enormous.



Necromantic love spells are very powerful. I have been doing rituals with a dead soldier for a long time. I love the spirit of the dead guy.

During my love spells I summon Lucifer, Dantalion, Sallos and dead soldiers. But I must be honest with you right from the beginning: some love spells can fail!

Can love spells fail?



Yes, some love spells can fail. Love spells may fail in the following cases:

if a man hates a woman (they had many fights), I doubt that love spells can help to mend their relationship

if a woman hates a man (because he abused her physically), I doubt that a love spell can mend their relationship

if one member of the couple was unfaithful, no love spell will help to mend the relationship

if the target of the love spell is already in a relationship or married

if the target of the spell has no plans to be in a love relationship (is focused only on work)

if the target is “damaged” and is very afraid of relationships with humans

if the target of the spell is of another sexual orientation (object sexuality, gay or lesbian, or straight)






Love spells

and the emotional torture



The one who orders such a spell from me is subject to cruel emotional torture right the next day and it feels like one has been run over by a truck. And this is only the beginning.

In such cases you must distract yourself from the agony and still believe that magick might actually help you and force your lover back to you.

I had very successful cases when I completely high jacked the man and forced him back to his wife. But I also had done some love spells and they failed. Even the dead soldier could not mend the client’s relationship.

Here are my pages filled with client stories:

Testimonials page 1

Testimonials page 3

I use dolls and I also use cemetery dirt (from a grave of a specific male) in the head cavity of the target. This graveyard dirt comes from a grave of a man who was very sexually active and loved BDSM sex.

His imagination was so fantastic and he was a very handsome male, and of course, he was always horny. I knew him very well, because he was my best friend.

I ask this dead man to make the target of the love spell very horny. It works so nicely. I performed love spells on men for myself, and at last I had to run away from the horny men, because they went crazy with desire for sex with me.

In many cases this magick works wonderfully and the love partner shows up in your life after 3 months (jealous and horny), especially if I have access to the blood, hair, and clothes of the target.

But magick does not come with 100% guarantee, because all know that some spells can fail. The major difficulty in returning a lover is this: if you had very bad fights and if your lover holds grudges towards you, and also if he or she has already entered into a new love relationship.

I always ask clients to read my policies or disclaimer first and agree with my terms of services, because no refunds are offered.





Demon Dantalion: Goetia



Demon Dantalion is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



Dantalion is the 71st spirit and he is ranked as a Duke. He shows up in the form of a man with many faces (all men’s and women’s faces) and he holds a book in his right hand.

Dantalion can teach you any arts and sciences and he will also declare to you the secret counsels of any person. Dantalion knows the thoughts of all men and women and he can change them as he desires.

This spirit can cause love. Finally, Dantalion rules 36 legions of spirits.

Source: Goetia

You can read more about Dantalion here.

Demon Dantalion from Goetia is summoned during this love spell and he can persuade your lover to return to you. He is very good at brainwashing people into other thinking. He can procure feelings of compassion and love too.





Demon Sallos: Goetia



Demon Sallos is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



The 19th spirit is Sallos. He is a Duke and appears in the form of a Soldier. Sallos rides upon a crocodile and he wears a crown upon his head. He comes in a peaceful way.

Sallos causes love between a woman and a man. This spirit rules over 30 legions of lesser spirits.

Source: Goetia

Demon Sallos is also summoned during the necromantic love spell, and together with Dantalion. Sallos is capable of igniting the flames of sexual passion and love. He is said to able mend relationships.





Dead military staff: my relationship




I had to do many rituals with Murmur, Dantalion and dead soldiers before I became their best friend.



I can feel dead soldiers, and this dead soldier (I have several helmets and badges, you just don’t see) was very special and kind. In the beginning, when I first met the dead man, I used to become very sad and cry.

I and the dead man have been in a magickal relationship for a long time and now I do not feel sad. I have understood that there seems to be a life after death, but in a body made of spirit.

The war helmet of the dead person is always in my bed during nights. The helmet is close to my body during day hours too. Its always on my desk near my PC. I and the helmet hug each other several times during the day.

The spirit of the soldier (helmet on the photo) is attached to the helmet. The spirit of the dead man is in love with me. I had luck with this man, he seemed to like me from the beginning.

Some of my baneful spells on enemies resulted in panic attacks. My panic attacks were triggered when the dead soldier was on a baneful mission. But I love the spirit of the dead man and the spirit also loves me.





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Demon Barzabel: super effective bleach jars & reversal magick









Demon of Mars, Barzabel, is described in The three books of Occult philosophy by H. C Agrippa. This is the planetary talisman of Mars.



Demon of Mars, Barzabel, is described in two books: The three books of Occult philosophy (H. C Agrippa) and the Golden Dawn. Barzabel is my favourite demon and he has supported me enormously.

We will look at the description of Barzabel a bit later as you read this post. But first lets talk about some painful life situations that may call for the help of Barzabel.




Barzabel: he gives the raw energy of Mars



Barzabel is an alien spirit from planet Mars. I love and adore this macho demon.



Sometimes it is very undesirable to feel certain emotions like fear, attraction to a new love partner, weakness and hesitation. This condition is called for confusion and fear.

If you feel that your feelings are overwhelming you and you are losing control of your life, you can ask Barzabel to help you.

Barzabel is the best partner for a woman who needs to focus her life on her career instead of on love. Love comes and goes and it is not worth to invest emotional energy into it, but it is a woman’s duty to provide herself with a good supply of money for survival.

Barzabel teaches the art of constructing boundaries with people and you will become very decisive. This demon will blow clean your mind of all romantic rubbish and help you to focus on work and money.

I also highly advice to summon several soldiers and order them to help you to forget about your lover. Soldiers are your best allies in love magick (because they order to fall in love) and spells to pull you out of depressions (they order the mind to focus).

Warning: magick with soldiers can be dangerous, because they are robots. Never summon soldiers without knowing who you are dealing with.

Baneful magick with the intention of inflicting injuries to the target with the aid of soldiers is very dangerous, because if the spell chooses to backfire, you will not be able to stop the soldiers from harming you, because they will come with real guns when the spell comes true.




Barzabel & dead soldiers:

reversal magick


Tempted to fall in love with a new love partner? Cannot resist the pull of a necromantic spell? Necromantic magick is very powerful and dangerous too.

If you feel that your necromantic magick is taking you into a disastrous love affair, you must resist and do magick with Barzabel and also with the dead soldiers (reversals).

Dead soldiers are wonderful allies and if they are your closest friends, they will step in and help you to stop your attraction to a new love partner.

You can summon Barzabel during one ritual and do a bleach jar. During the next ritual you should call upon several dead soldiers and do another bleach jar and ask the soldiers to take your thoughts under their control.

The pull of the original spell will slow down and you will regain control very fast. The soldiers and Barzabel will force you to work very hard and they will focus your thoughts on your job.




Barzabel: the bleach jar



You will need:

the seals of Mars, Barzabel and Graphiel

a black candle (paint with olive oil and apply crushed bay leaf and crushed sage)

oil for the Martian seals: bergamot

a glass jar with a lock


Summon Barzabel and Graphiel. Explain the issue. Write down all issues you want to banish or reverse and ask Barzabel to help you to stand strong. Chop this piece of paper and place into a glass jar. Add bleach. That is it.

Observe that Mars must be direct and also fortunate when you do spells with Barzabel. Mars must be good in your natal chart too.





The planetary talisman of Mars



Demon of Mars, Barzabel, is described in The three books of Occult philosophy by H. C Agrippa. This is the planetary talisman of Mars.



There is a good description of the planetary talisman of Mars in the Magus by Francis Barrett:

“The third table belongs to Mars, which is made of a square of five, containing twenty-five numbers, and of these, in every side and diameter, five, which makes sixty-five, and the sum of all is three hundred and twenty-five.

And there are over it divine names with an intelligence to good, and a spirit to evil, and out of it is drawn the characters of Mars and of his spirits.

These, with Mars fortunate, being engraven on an iron plate, or sword, makes a man potent in war and judgement, and petitions, and terrible to his enemies, and victorious over them.

And if engraven upon the stone correola, it stops blood, and the menstrues. But if it be engraven, with Mars being unfortunate, on a plate of red brass, it prevents and hinders buildings – it casts down the powerful from dignities, honours, and riches – causes discord and hatred amongst men and beasts – drives away bees, pigeons, and fish – and hinders mills from working, i. e. binds them.

It likewise renders fighters and hunters unfortunate – causes barrenness in men and women – and strikes a terror into our enemies, and compels them to submit.”




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Demon Gremory from Goetia and how he can help you









Demon Gremory is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Demon Gremory is described in the Goetia, in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, and mentioned in The Discoverie of Witchcraft and several other old Occult books.

Below you will find a mix of information about Gremory and hopefully this information will help you to summon Gremory.




Demon Gremory: Goetia


Gremory is the 56th spirit and he is ranked as a Duke. This spirit appears in the form of a beautiful woman seated on a camel. Gremory can tell you about the issues of the past, present and future.

Gremory also shows the location of hidden treasures. He also procures the love of women. Gremory commands 26 legions of spirits.

Source: Goetia




Gremory: Pseudomonarchia Daemonum


Gremory is also called for Gomory and he is a Duke. He shows up in the form of a pretty lady seated on a camel. Gremory can tell you truth about the issues of the past, present and future.

He also locates hidden treasure and procures the love of women. Gremory rules 26 legions of lesser spirits.

Source: Johann Weyer, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum




Gremory: Daemonolatry Goetia


According to S. Connolly, Gremory can teach us magick. He also helped Stephanie to find a lost object. The object in question appeared out of nowhere in a place she had combed accurately several times.




Gremory, his abilities & similar demons


Gremory can teach you magick: similar demons


Lets talk about similar demons who can teach you magick. Demon Amy from Goetia teaches liberal sciences. Kabbalah is a liberal science. Samigina also teaches liberal sciences and he teaches the Kabbalah.

Astaroth also teaches the Kabbalah and he taught me how to do magick with the planetary talismans. These planetary talismans are described in the Golden Dawn and also in the Three books of Occult philosophy.

Stolas also teaches magick. Almost all magick is based on the Kabbalah and Kabbalah is a liberal science.

Sustugriel teaches the magick of Kabbalah both to beginners and to more advanced practitioners. Sustugriel taught me the magick of the Arbatel. Sustugriel also gives advice regarding baneful magick: when to use it and when not to use it.

Sustugriel teaches all about lunar mansions (magick of Picatrix) and helps to understand the concept of moon off course (when the moon is in its void period).


Gremory can find lost objects: similar demons


Andromalius can help to discover hidden or stolen treasures. He also forces the thief to return stolen goods back to the owner. Vassago also discovers lost and hidden stuff.


Gremory can make women fall in love with you: similar demons


Sallos and Dantalion from Goetia can make women or men fall in love with you. These two demons can be summoned together during one and the same ritual, because they are very compatible with each other.

Dantalion can even tame wild animals and help you both to form a strong bond of friendship. Dantalion helps to reduce stress in pets too.

Moreover, Dantalion can help you to fall out of love fast if you need to move on after love with a “human” partner gone wrong.

Demon Sitri can make women or men fall in love with you. Sitri can also help you to become and feel super attractive during the dating and courting phases, and also after.


Gremory can foretell the future: similar demons


Demon Astaroth can foretell the future and he helps to read Tarot cards. Demon Purson can do the same for you and because Purson knows things about your destiny, he will help you to find jobs and/or clients.

Ipos can also foretell the future for you.


Gremory can discover truth about the past and present: similar demons


Malphas can help you to discover the true plans of your enemies. He can help you to know if your enemy has done baneful magick on you or not.

Dantalion can reveal the secrets of others to you. Vine can also do the same and he also helps to know if you are under a magickal attack or not.




Gremory: when to summon him?



This is the Tree of Life.
The Dukes of Goetia come from the area of Qlipha Harab-Serapel. Harab-Serapel is the shell of Netzach. This place is ruled by the planet Venus.


Gremory is a Duke and the Dukes of Goetia come from the area of Netzach. Harab-Serapel is the shell of Netzach. I use the correspondences of Netzach even for Harab-Serapel:

Ruling planet: Venus

Day: Friday

Astrological hour: Venus

Paper seal colour: green

Metal seal: copper

Number: 7

Herb: cinnamon (my own choice)

Scent: sandalwood

You can use rose scent and also fresh or dried roses in your rituals with the Dukes of Goetia. The rose is aligned with the planet Venus.

The best day for summoning demon Gremory is a Friday. The best hour is that of Venus.




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Demon Amon from Goetia and how he can help you









Demon Amon is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Demon Amon is described in the Goetia, in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, and in other old Occult sources like The Discoverie of Witchcraft.

Many people assign supernatural powers to Amon, but this is a mistake. Amon can help to mend friendships gone a little bit wrong, because he can clear the way for good communication.

But, sorry, if you and your lover or if you and your friend had a horrible fight, and insulted each other very painfully, I doubt that Amon will be able to mend your relationship.

Why? The answer is simple: some people cannot tolerate rudeness and will never forgive your rudeness and ugly behaviour. But Amon is very talented and he can help to mend some relationships that can be repaired.

Below you will find a mix of information about Amon and hopefully this information will help you to summon Amon.



Demon Amon:

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum


Amon is ranked as a Marquis. He appears in the form of a wolf with a serpents tail. But he can also switch to human shape. Amon knows the issues of the past and he can foretell the future too.

Amon brings about favours and he also unites friends and enemies. He commands 40 legions.

Source: Johann Weyer, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum




Demon Amon: Goetia


Amon is the 7th spirit and he is a Marquis. He tells about the issues of the past and he can also foretell the future to come. He brings about quarrels and also mends controversies between friends.

Amon rules 40 legions of spirits.

Source: Goetia




Demon Amon:

Daemonolatry Goetia


Amon can help you to digest emotional discomfort and release the emotional pressure. He can also help you to find friends.

Source: Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly




Demon Amon:

when to summon him?



This is the Tree of Life.
The Marquises of Goetia come from the shell of Yesod. The shell of Yesod is Gamaliel and it is ruled by the planet Moon.



Amon is ranked as a Marquis. So says both the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and the Goetia. In my magick with the Marquises of Goetia, I use the correspondences of Yesod:

Ruling planet: Moon

Day: Monday

Astrological hour: Moon

Paper seal colour: purple

Candle colour: silver or purple

Metal: silver

Number: 9

Gem: clear quarts





Because Amon is a Marquis, the best day to summon him is a Monday. Fine tune your magick by doing it during the astrological hour of the Moon. Use a purple seal of Amon. If you cannot obtain purple paper, you can use aluminium foil, because it is silver in colour.




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