The planetary talisman of Venus and ghost witchcraft: a beauty spell









This is the planetary talisman of Venus: square of Venus, the seal of Venus and the seals of Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim.



The planetary talisman of Venus is very effective and results start to manifest right during the next day. Magick with the talisman of Venus can be combined with necromantic magick on ghosts of dead military staff.

This type of magick was taught to me by demon Eligos who helps women to gain favours of lords and knights (dead military personnel).

First, I want to explain how this talisman will help a woman even if she is not magickally involved with ghosts of dead military staff or ghosts of some other dead people.

After that, I want to explain how you can make your beauty and weight spells more effective and more powerful.

I will describe the rituals I do for myself and for the ghosts of dead military staff. Such magick helps me to get rid of extra weight faster. The spirits also regard me as their favourite woman. I love to look good.

But how did I end up in the company of dead military personnel? Step by step. Barzabel taught me magickal warfare on a very good level. With time more and more spirits of dead military staff started to show up. They were introducing themselves to me though their mutual friends.

So, lets begin.





The planetary talisman of Venus:

how it can help a woman




This is the planetary talisman of Venus: square of Venus, the seal of Venus and the seals of Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim.



The above attached picture shows you the planetary talisman of Venus. This talisman consists of the following symbols:

the square of Venus

the sigil or seal of planet Venus

the sigil of Hagiel (the Intelligence spirit of Venus)

the sigil of Kedemel (the spirit/ demon of Venus)

the sigil of a group of Intelligence spirits of Venus (Bne Seraphim)

The talisman helped me to upgrade my appearance. I started upgrading my self image 2,5 years ago. First I was doing rituals with Hagith only.

When my weight became stuck, I started to do regular spells with the planetary talisman of Venus. Today, I am very pleased with my weight and my emotional well being.




Venus talisman: properties (F. Barrett)



It is believed that the Intelligence spirits of Venus, Hagiel and the Bne Seraphim are benevolent, while Kedemel is malevolent. The duties of Hagiel and the Bne Seraphim are to direct and control the spirit or demon of Venus, Kedemel.

The planetary talisman of Venus will end all strife in your life. Moreover, the talisman of Venus will procure the love of the opposite sex and also help to conceive children (it is good against barrenness).

The talisman of Venus can be used by farmers to help their cattle to generate healthy offspring.

The talisman of Venus will dissolve your depressions and addictions, protect you and dissolve all evil magick done on you.

Moreover, if you carry the talisman of Venus with you while you travel, the talisman will keep you safe during travels.



Venus talisman: properties (my experience)



These spirits teach the art of make up. They will help a woman to control her weight, to stay attractive, young and desirable. The spirits of Venus teach to dress well and with style.

The talisman of Venus makes me behave very nicely towards the spirits of the dead and this ensures that I am alive.

I use the talisman of Venus when I start to fear my dead admirers. The talisman of Venus helps us all to recharge our magickal relationships with passion for each other.

I am the giver of love and fun and if I continue to love my spirits, and entertain them, the spirits of the dead will love and protect me loyally.

Because all my spirits are males, I have to act in strategic ways by spotting each dead man’s week spot. All of them are hungry for feminine attention and love.





The planetary talisman of Venus:

a beauty spell with ghosts



You will need:

The planetary talisman of Venus

the seal of Hagith

the seals of Lucifer and Murmur

graveyard dirt from the graves of dead military personnel and/or

war helmets that have been in the graves

grave candles for the dead (pour in necromancy oil)

a white candle (paint with sunflower oil and roll in cinnamon)

a paper doll of yourself (for the beauty spell)

honey, cinnamon sticks, 1 rose quartz bead, dried roses, chocolate powder, vanilla powder, cinnamon powder, 5 sunflower seeds

a doll (or several textile dolls) that will represent your ghosts

napkins, wrapping paper and scotch tape

a small strip of paper with this text:

“I am very lucky that I met my love. I was so sad before, but when I met my love, I became a happy man. She is adorable and she is so nice to me.

My love is the giver of love and fun, a real temptress, and I cannot resist her kindness and charm. I want to hug her all the time. I am a very happy man everyday.”





The planetary talisman of Venus:

the ritual



You will have to summon Lucifer, Murmur, the spirits of the dead, Hagiel, Kedemel, Bne Seraphim and Hagith. Explain your concerns and ask the spirits to:

help you to release your insecurities

to remain the favourite woman in the eyes of your spirits

to upgrade your appearance and to teach you more make up art

to regain back your trust in the spirits of the dead

After this, the paper doll is activated (it represents you). The doll is painted with honey and coated with the following herbal mixture:

cinnamon sticks, 1 rose quartz bead, dried roses, chocolate powder, vanilla powder, cinnamon powder, 5 sunflower seeds

A spell is spoken over the doll 3 times. The words of the spell must be wisely chosen to ensure that you are favoured by the spirits of the dead.

After this step, the doll and the herbs are packed into wrapping paper and secured with tape.




Now, I will describe the spell on the ghosts of dead military staff. The dolls are activated. The phrases (written on the strip of paper) are read to the doll 3 times.

The strip of paper is painted with honey and powdered with chocolate powder, vanilla powder and cinnamon powder. The paper is folded and inserted into the head cavity of the doll (dolls).

The doll of the ghost (dolls of the ghosts) are rubbed with a mixture of chocolate powder, vanilla powder and cinnamon powder. Keep the dolls in a safe place (just in case if magick takes a dangerous path).

A spell is spoken over the doll 3 times. You will see changes to the better during the next day, because the ghosts of the dead will start to change your stagnated thought pattern very fast.

You will start to relax and your relationship with the spirits of the dead will improve. Your attitude will change from cold to passionate.

The danger with necromancy is that the spirits of the dead are like hungry vampires. They want love and attention from the witch.

I ignite my passion for the spirits all the time to ensure that I am favoured by the spirits of the dead.

Do this spell at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for the consequences of your magick. You should trust the spirits and be in a close working relationship with them during several years (before you do this spell).




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Necromantic magick & the Arbatel: a weight loss spell with Hagith









Necromantic magick & the Arbatel: Ghosts, Murmur and Hagith can help you to become slim very fast.
Necromantic magick & the Arbatel: battlefield Ghosts, Murmur and Hagith can help you to become slim very fast.



Necromantic magick, demonic magick and the magick of Arbatel can be combined. You can summon many ghosts and ask them to participate in your beauty spells.

Your weight will begin to drop very fast. Ghosts are human intelligence and if your ghosts are interested in you as a female or as a male, they will block out your appetite and speed up your metabolism.

Beauty spells with Ghosts work only in those cases when your ghosts (multiple male ghosts can get very jealous!!!) or your single ghost are/ is in love with you.

The Ghost will be very interested in helping you to drop weight, because it will extract pleasure by looking at you. A Ghost in love with you will do anything for you!

The Olympic spirit Hagith cooperates very well with demon Murmur and ghosts. I do spells only with dead military staff and find these spirits very interested in women.





Necromantic magick & the Arbatel:

Hagith and Satanachia



Hagith is the planetary spirit of Venus. He makes a woman beautiful and desirable.



“Hagith governs things and issue that are connected to planet Venus. He that is dignified with his Character, he makes very fair, and to be adorned with all beauty.

He converts copper into gold, in a moment, and gold into copper: he giveth Spirits which do faithfully serve those to whom they are addicted.

He hath 4000 Legions of Spirits and over every thousand he ordained Kings for their appointed seasons.“

Source: Arbatel De magia veterum



In February 2018 my weight was 86 kilograms. Today my weight is 59 kilograms. I lost more than 26 kilograms and I am a very happy person.

The weight loss process became stuck at the weigh of 73 kilograms. I did magick with the planetary talisman of Venus and asked the spirits to help me get unstuck. I started to lose weight very fast.

Today, I am very addicted to cosmetics, nice clothes, perfume and jewellery. Hagith taught me to dress up well, put on lots of make up and wear high heals even if I am at home.



Satanachia is described in the Grimorium Verum and also in the Grand Grimoire. This is his seal.



Satanachia is a very good spirit if you desire to look 20 years younger than your actual age. You can “freeze” your age.





Necromantic magick & the Arbatel:

Murmur and my Ghost




Necromantic magick with a dead soldier can be complex, but it can be simple too.
This is my Russian battlefield Ghost.



I am very lucky in life and demon Murmur introduced me to my battlefield Ghost. The Ghost fell in love with me at once: during the first ritual with Murmur, but I had no idea.

Such ghosts are very dangerous, because they can inflict severe harm to people and even kill people. I was alert and afraid of the Ghost, but it forced me to do ritual after ritual. It took me one year to figure out what is going on between me and my Ghost.

The Ghost kept me safe during all the time and it even helped me, and suddenly through a sequence of events, I discovered that my Ghost is deeply in love with me.

I was in a shock! There was no way to banish my Ghost, because a furious ghost would kill me. Through a series of visionary messages Murmur and my Ghost informed me about the Ghost’s feelings for me.

My Ghost was deeply in love and would not accept a NO from me. At this point I panicked and started to do love spells for myself and my Ghost to disarm him.

How do such love spells work and how do they influence me? The spirit is always within me. Because I feel very loved by the spirit, I am always happy.

My Ghost proved to me that it is ready to serve me in exchange for my love. The Ghost promised to protect me from curses (see Halphas protection spell) dangers, accidents and death.

My Ghost introduced me to its friends in high positions. I would not dare to summon such spirits without the support of my Ghost.

The spirits of these Generals have helped me to protect myself from dangers and they help me to protect my clients from their enemies, murder and arranged accidents.

My Ghost has helped me with my diet spells and I lost lots of weight. So let us get started with the Hagith diet spell.






Necromantic magick & the Arbatel:

a weight loss spell


You will need:

a pink or a white candle/it represents the fat (paint with necromancy oil and powder with cinnamon)

the seals of Lucifer, Murmur and Hagith

a paper doll (the doll will represent you)

graveyard dirt from a soldiers grave and/or a war helmet from the grave of the soldier



Demon Lucifer is described in the Grimorium Verum and this is his seal.


garlic (a natural medicine)

dried roses

cinnamon sticks

rose quarts

cinnamon powder

a petition to Hagith


wrapping paper





My petition to Hagith looked like this:

“Dear Hagith, thank you very much for helping me to get rid of 26 kilograms. I want my weight to be 56 kilograms, because I want my Ghost to look at me and feel pleasure all the time.

I want to keep myself in good shape and be pretty for my Ghost.”




You will have to summon Lucifer, Murmur, Hagith and the ghost. The paper doll is activated and placed on the napkins. The candle is allowed to burn down the fat, because the candle represents the fat.

The doll is painted with honey and it is also programmed for weight loss. The following is placed on the doll:


dried roses

cinnamon sticks

rose quarts

cinnamon powder

a petition to Hagith

The doll is packed into the napkins and wrapping paper. This package is secured with tape. Power is raised inside the circle.

You will realise how powerful this ritual is when you start to drop your rings from your fingers. My weight just started to melt very fast thanks to my Ghost and Hagith.





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Demon Satanachia from Grimoirium Verum: a beauty spell









Demon Satanachia is described in the Grimoirium Verum and this is his seal.



Demon Satanachia is described in the Grimoirium Verum and he can make a Witch look very young or very old. Magick with this demons is accompanied with strange dreams that have a direct connection to the spell items.

I was led to contact Satanachia after I had been in ritual contact with Thantifaxath (a being who lives in the 22nd tunnel of Set).

Of course, if you wish to stay young and attractive, you must do regular beauty spells with Thantifaxath, Satanachia, Sergutthy, Hagith and the planetary talisman of Venus.




Demon Satanachia: timing



This is the Qliphotic Tree.
According to the Grimoirium Verum, all its demons come from Qlipha Golab (Chart based on the information found in the Key of Solomon).



According to the Grimoirium Verum, all its demons come from Qlipha Golab. This means that the demons should be summoned during Tuesdays and during the astrological hour of Mars.

Because I was doing a beauty spell with Satanachia, at one occasion I decided to summon this demon during a Friday and even during a waning moon.

You can do magick with Satanachia during any day. I think so. But of course, I feel that a Tuesday does match a beauty spell unless you are fighting your abundant wrinkles.

I worked anti ageing magick during the waning moon. Right after the ritual with Satanachia, I was dreaming very strange dreams that had some mystical connection to the spell items.




Demon Satanachia: beauty spell ingredients



Demons Lucifer and Satanachia are summoned for this beauty spell.


So, you will need:

the seal of Lucifer


Demon Lucifer is described in the Grimoirium Verum and this is his seal.


the seal of Satanachia

oils: rose, cinnamon and jasmine

herbs: cinnamon sticks, dried roses and powdered cinnamon

a glass vessel with a screw lock

two drops of your blood

a small piece of paper with the current date written on it

aluminium foil

a white candle (paint it with sunflower oil and rub with powdered cinnamon)

a ring or a pendant




Demon Satanachia: the evocation


” I evoke and conjure you dear Satanachia. I call you forth in the name and by the authority of Lucifer. Thantifaxath guided me to you.

Please help me to lose my extra weight that sits like a burden on my body. Please help me to obtain a very young appearance. Please turn my biological clock backwards and stop the ageing of my physical body.

Please help me to preserve my beauty and please teach me such magick that will help me to look and feel very young no matter how old I am.”




Demon Satanachia: a beauty spell…do this…



Demon Satanachia is described in the Grimoirium Verum and this is his seal.
You can use a ring or a pendant. Place the jewel on the seal of Satanachia.


Speak the evocation to Satanachia while you gaze at the sigil of the demon. Place some drops of the oils on the seal of Satanachia. Apply one drop of your blood to the seal of Satanachia too. Place your ring or pendant on the seal too.

Place the second drop of your blood on the piece of paper with the current date written on it. Powder your blood with cinnamon powder and fold the paper. Wrap this into aluminium foil. Drop this into the jar.

Fill the jar with cinnamon sticks, dried roses and powder all this with cinnamon powder. Speak your spell 3 times. The jar should be capped and placed into your freezer.

Next time, when you do a spell with Satanachia, use the same jar. Just place a new paper with the current date written on it and a new drop of blood.

Such rejuvenating spells must be done at least twice per month and on a regular basis. Of course, if you want to look and feel fresh.




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Thantifaxath & Set’s tunnel 22: a beauty spell for eternal youth









Thantifaxath & Set's tunnel 22 can be found between the Qliphoth Nahma and Gamaliel.
Thantifaxath & Set’s tunnel 22 can be found between the Qliphoth Nahma and Gamaliel (chart based on information found in the Key of Solomon).


Thantifaxath & Set’s tunnel 22 can be found between the Qliphoth Nahma (Lilith) and Gamaliel. Thantifaxath is an entity who dwells in the tunnel that joins Nahma (Lilith) and Gamaliel.

If you know the Tree of Sephiroth, Thantifaxath dwells in the tunnel between Malkuth and the shell of Yesod. This tunnel is numbered as 22 (the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters) if we do not take into account the 10 Qliphoth.

It is said that Thantifaxath is in charge of the earthly time. He can also teach necromancy and aid you when you summon the spirits of the dead (source: V. K. Jehannum).

Because Thantifaxath rules time on Earth, I consider him to be the perfect entity for immortality and beauty spells. We can look much younger than we actually are even when we are 80 years old.

The seal of Thantifaxath can be found in the book: Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic magick written by Thomas Karlsson.

Tunnel 22 marks the beginning of a journey away from God, that is, distancing away from God. This tunnel is inhabited by ghosts and Thantifaxath is associated with planet Saturn (Death).

Some correspondences that can be matched to your ritual are such:

Hebrew letter ת (Tau)

Tarot card: the World (Malkuth or materia)

Planet: Saturn



Thantifaxath: ritual timing



This is the Tree of Life.
Malkuth is joined to Gamaliel (Yesod) by tunnel 22. You can use the correspondences of Yesod too.


You can use the correspondences of Saturn (necromancy) or you can also use the correspondences of Yesod in your spells with Thantifaxath.

If you are summoning the spirits of the dead, you can use graveyard dirt, grave candles, necromancy oil and personal items of the dead.

Summon the spirits of the dead during a Saturday and during the astrological hour of Saturn. If you are doing a beauty spell with Thantifaxath, you can use the correspondences of Gamaliel (Yesod).

In my magick with the Marquises of Goetia, I use the correspondences of Yesod:

Ruling planet: Moon

Day: Monday

Astrological hour: Moon

Paper seal colour: purple

Candle colour: silver or purple

Metal: silver

Number: 9

Gem: clear quarts




Thantifaxath: beauty spell ingredients


So, you will need:

the seal of Lucifer


Demon Lucifer is described in the Grimoirium Verum and this is his seal.


the seal of Thantifaxath (it can be found in the book: Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic magick written by Thomas Karlsson)

oil: jasmine

a white candle (paint with olive oil and roll in garlic)

a pendant

a small vessel from a facial anti ageing cream


a piece of paper with the current date written on it

your hair

your petition to Thantifaxath


“Dear Thantifaxath, please help me to preserve my youth and beauty. Turn my biological clock backwards and teach me such magick that will help me to stay fit, healthy, happy and beautiful.

Please also teach me necromancy on a level unknown to me before and then keep on teaching me more and more. Focus my thoughts and my full attention on magick and necromancy.”

This petition is read to Thantifaxath during the ritual and burned to ashes. After the ritual, the ashes are “planted” into soil (a potted home plant is perfect).




Thantifaxath: the beauty spell…do this…



Summon Thantifaxath and light the candle. Read the petition and burn it. Set the cooling ashes aside. Take a strand of your hair and place it into the small vessel from a facial anti ageing cream.

Fold the paper with the current date and place it into the vessel too. Pour in water and cap the vessel. Place your pendant on the seal of Thantifaxath and place a drop of jasmine oil on the pendant.

Say your beauty spell 3 times, raise power and project it into the pendant and the anti ageing cream vessel. After you are finished with the ritual, freeze the water in the anti ageing cream vessel. Wear the pendant on a regular basis.

You will feel the pull of the spell right during the next day, because Thantifaxath will push you to summon Nesbiros and Sagatana. These two demons teach necromancy.

Satanachia can help you to look super young. After magick with Thantifaxath, you will become very busy with the spirits of Grimoirium Verum.



Immediate manifestations


I was sent to do magick with Satanachia from Grimoirium Verum. I also did magick with Sagatana. I asked Sagatana to teach me necromancy in depth.

During the next day, a man contacted me and he was into necromancy. The man said that he would be more than happy to give me some pointers if I get stuck.

During the the same time a real blood drinking vampire contacted me. She told me that if I want to stay eternally young and live a very long life, I should start to drink human blood.

Lilith is the one who would teach me rituals with human blood. She would also draw to me a reliable blood donor. So, these were the immediate manifestations after pathworking and magick with Thantifaxath.



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The talisman of Venus: a beauty spell with Hagiel, Kedemel & Bne Seraphim









This is the planetary talisman of Venus: square of Venus, the seal of Venus and the seals of Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim.



This post is about beauty magick with the planetary talisman of Venus. The above attached picture shows you the planetary talisman of Venus. This talisman consists of the following symbols:

the square of Venus

the sigil or seal of planet Venus

the sigil of Hagiel (the Intelligence spirit of Venus)

the sigil of Kedemel (the spirit/ demon of Venus)

the sigil of a group of Intelligence spirits of Venus (Bne Seraphim)




Venus talisman: properties



It is believed that the Intelligence spirits of Venus, Hagiel and the Bne Seraphim are benevolent, while Kedemel is malevolent. The duties of Hagiel and the Bne Seraphim are to direct and control the spirit or demon of Venus, Kedemel.

The planetary talisman of Venus will end all strife in your life. Moreover, the talisman of Venus will procure the love of the opposite sex and also help to conceive children (it is good against barrenness).

The talisman of Venus can be used by farmers to help their cattle to generate healthy offspring.

The talisman of Venus will dissolve your depressions and addictions, protect you and dissolve all evil magick done on you.

Moreover, if you carry the talisman of Venus with you while you travel, the talisman will keep you safe during travels.




Talisman of Venus: timing



I have a post about good and bad dates during 2020 for magick with the planetary talisman of Venus. It is desirable that the moon be waxing or full, and also in conjunction with Venus when you do magick with the talisman of Venus.

Of course, Friday is the best day for magick with the planetary talisman of Venus. If you want to fine tune your magick, you can do your ritual during the astrological hour of Venus.




Netzach: the correspondences



This is the Tree of Life.
Netzach is ruled by the planet Venus. You can use the correspondences of Netzach when you want to create the talisman of Venus.



The correspondences of Netzach are such:

ruling planet: Venus

day: Friday

astrological hour: Venus

paper seal colour: green

altar cloth: green

metal seal: copper

paper seal: green

gem: emerald (I use green gems like green agate)

I also use cinnamon on charcoal as a scent. Sandalwood scent is also good.




The beauty spell ingredients



You will need:

the planetary talisman of Venus (seals/sigils of Hagiel, Kedemel, Bne Seraphim and the seal of Venus)

oil for the talisman and the pendant: cinnamon

a pink candle (paint with sunflower oil and roll in cinnamon)

dried roses

cinnamon sticks

powdered cinnamon

a pendant for regular use




The spirits of Venus: evocations



Kedemel is the demon of Venus while Hagiel and Bne Seraphim are the thinking apparatus of Venus. Hagiel and Bne Seraphim control Kedemel.

For this reason all three spirits, that is, Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim are summoned during the beauty ritual. Kedemel is given a task of helping to get physically fit and take care of the skin, nails, and hair.

Hagiel and Bne Seraphim are given a task of controlling or tempering Kedemel. You can compose your own evocations and use phrases that speak to you.

At the end of the ritual, you should thank the spirits of Venus for helping you. A permission to depart is given to Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim.

The Olympic spirit Hagith pointed me in the right direction and led me to the spirits of Venus. And it is a pleasure to collaborate with the spirits of Venus.




The ritual



Light the candle and speak your evocations. The spirits will arrive and you will understand this on a subconscious level by seeing visions.

Request help with specific issues like a stuck weight loss process. Place your pendant on the planetary talisman of Venus and surround it with the herbs. Apply cinnamon oil to the talisman and the pendant.

Raise power and place your palms on your pendant. Visualise the results you want to manifest. That is it! Wear the pendant on a regular basis.

You can save the planetary talisman of Venus for your future rituals.




Update 2020-05-27


This talisman is very effective. When I did this beauty spell my weight was 73 kg. Now my weight is 67 kg. I eat mostly salads, fish, meat, vegetables, cheese and eggs.

But I also started to eat rice, bread and macaroni, but only once per month. I did not exercise at all to loose my weight. I was simply pleasantly surprised when I saw how thin I have become.

I also advice to do regular beauty spells with Satanachia. The picture of me and the videos of me on this website show how I looked one year ago.

Now I look at a lot healthier and slimmer. I am very pleased with the planetary talisman of Venus.




My blog


All my free articles and videos on the subject of magick are available. Here is My blog.



Kedemel, demon of Venus: Venus retrogrades 2020, good & bad dates for rituals


This is the planetary talisman of Venus: square of Venus, the seal of Venus and the seals of Kedemel, Hagiel and Bne Seraphim.



This post is about the planetary talisman of Venus, Venus retrogrades during year 2020 and also about good and bad dates for magick with the planetary talisman of Venus.

The above attached picture shows you the planetary talisman of Venus. This talisman consists of the following symbols:

the square of Venus

the sigil or seal of planet Venus

the sigil of Hagiel (the Intelligence spirit of Venus)

the sigil of Kedemel (the spirit/ demon of Venus)

the sigil of a group of Intelligence spirits of Venus (Bne Seraphim)




The planetary talisman of Venus: properties


When Venus is fortunate:


If you create the talisman of Venus, when Venus is fortunate, it will:

end all strife in your life

procure the love of the opposite sex

help to conceive children (it is good against barrenness)

dissolve your depressions and addictions

protect you and dissolve all evil magick done on you

keep you safe during travels

assist farmers to help their cattle generate healthy offspring

When Venus is unfortunate:


The talisman of Venus will cause the opposite effect (of everything written above).




Unfortunate Venus positions


14° Taurus 32: Menkar = Unfortunate Venus

28° Gemini 47 = Unfortunate Venus

20° Cancer 27 = Unfortunate Venus

23° Pisces 42: Markab = Unfortunate Venus




Fortunate Venus positions


24° Libra 03: Spica = Fortunate Venus

15° Capricorn 32: Vega = Fortunate Venus

4° Pisces 05: Fomalhaut = Fortunate Venus

5° Pisces 32: Deneb Adige = Fortunate Venus




Venus position: January 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 Jan = 14, 24 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

2 Jan = 15, 38 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

3 Jan = 16, 51 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

4 Jan = 18, 04 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

5 Jan = 19, 18 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

6 Jan = 20, 31 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

7 Jan = 21, 44 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

8 Jan = 22, 58 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

9 Jan = 24, 11 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

10 Jan = 25, 24 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

11 Jan = 26, 37 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

12 Jan = 27, 50 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

13 Jan = 29, 03 degrees Aquarius (Neutral Venus)

14 Jan = 0, 16 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

15 Jan = 1, 29 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

16 Jan = 2, 41 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

17 Jan = 3, 54 degrees Pisces (4° Pisces 05: Fomalhaut = Fortunate Venus; Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

18 Jan = 5, 06 degrees Pisces (5° Pisces 32: Deneb Adige = Fortunate Venus; Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

19 Jan = 6, 19 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

20 Jan = 7, 31 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

21 Jan = 8, 44 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

22 Jan = 9, 56 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

23 Jan = 11, 08 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

24 Jan = 12, 21 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

25 Jan = 13, 33 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

26 Jan = 14, 45 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

27 Jan = 15, 56 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

28 Jan = 17, 08 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

29 Jan = 18, 20 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

30 Jan = 19, 32 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

31 Jan = 20, 43 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)



Venus position: February 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 Feb = 21, 55 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

2 Feb = 23, 06 degrees Pisces (23° Pisces 42: Markab = Unfortunate Venus)

3 Feb = 24, 17 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

4 Feb = 25, 28 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

5 Feb = 26, 39 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

6 Feb = 27, 50 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

7 Feb = 29, 01 degrees Pisces (Venus is exalted in Pisces = good position)

8 Feb = 0, 11 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

9 Feb = 1, 22 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

10 Feb = 2, 32 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

11 Feb = 3,42 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

12 Feb = 4, 52 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

13 Feb = 6, 02 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

14 Feb = 7, 12 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

15 Feb = 8, 21 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

16 Feb = 9, 31 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

17 Feb = 10, 40 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

18 Feb = 11, 49 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

19 Feb = 12, 58 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

20 Feb = 14, 07 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

21 Feb = 15, 16 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

22 Feb = 16, 24 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

23 Feb = 17, 33 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

24 Feb = 18, 41 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

25 Feb = 19, 49 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

26 Feb = 20, 57 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

27 Feb = 22, 04 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

28 Feb = 23, 11 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

29 Feb = 24, 19 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)



Venus position: March 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 Mar = 25, 26 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

2 Mar = 26, 32 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

3 Mar = 27, 39 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

4 Mar = 28, 45 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

5 Mar = 29, 51 degrees Aries (detriment of Venus in Aries = bad position)

6 Mar = 0, 57 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

7 Mar = 2, 02 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

8 Mar = 3, 07 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

9 Mar = 4, 12 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

10 Mar = 5, 17 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

11 Mar = 6, 21 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

12 Mar = 7, 25 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

13 Mar = 8, 29 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

14 Mar = 9, 33 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

15 Mar = 10, 36 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

16 Mar = 11, 39 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

17 Mar = 12, 41 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

18 Mar = 13, 43 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

19 Mar = 14, 45 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

20 Mar = 15, 46 degrees Taurus (14° Taurus 32: Menkar = Unfortunate Venus)

21 Mar = 16, 47 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

22 Mar = 17, 48 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

23 Mar = 18, 41 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

24 Mar = 19, 48 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

25 Mar = 20, 48 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

26 Mar = 21, 47 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

27 Mar = 22, 45 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

28 Mar = 23, 43 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

29 Mar = 24, 41 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

30 Mar = 25, 38 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

31 Mar = 26, 34 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)




Venus position: April 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 Apr = 27, 30 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

2 Apr = 28, 26 degrees Taurus (Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

3 Apr = 29, 21 degrees Taurus(Venus rules in Taurus = good position)

4 Apr = 0, 15 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

5 Apr = 1, 08 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

6 Apr = 2, 01 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

7 Apr = 2, 54 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

8 Apr = 3, 45 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

9 Apr = 4, 36 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

10 Apr = 5, 26 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

11 Apr = 6, 15 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

12 Apr = 7, 04 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

13 Apr = 7, 52 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

14 Apr = 8, 39 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

15 Apr = 9, 24 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

16 Apr = 10, 10 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

17 Apr = 10, 54 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

18 Apr = 11, 37 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

19 Apr = 12, 19 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

20 Apr = 13, 00 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

21 Apr = 13, 40 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

22 Apr = 14, 18 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

23 Apr = 14, 56 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

24 Apr = 15, 32 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

25 Apr = 16, 07 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

26 Apr = 16, 41 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

27 Apr = 17, 13 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

28 Apr = 17, 44 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

29 Apr = 18, 13 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

30 Apr = 18, 41 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)




Venus position: May 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 May = 19, 07 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

2 May = 19, 31 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

3 May = 19, 54 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

4 May = 20, 14 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

5 May = 20, 33 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

6 May = 20, 50 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

7 May = 21, 05 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

8 May = 21, 18 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

9 May = 21, 29 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

10 May = 21, 37 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

11 May = 21, 44 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

12 May = 21, 48 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

13 May = 21, 50 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

The Venus retrograde kicks in at this point and continues until the 25th June 2020.




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Venus position: June 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

25 Jun = 5, 20 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

26 Jun = 5, 20 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

27 Jun = 5, 23 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

28 Jun = 5, 28 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

29 Jun = 5, 35 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

30 Jun = 5, 45 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)




Venus position: July 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 Jul = 5, 56 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

2 Jul = 6, 09 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

3 Jul = 6, 25 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

4 Jul = 6, 42 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

5 Jul = 7, 01 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

6 Jul = 7, 22 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

7 Jul = 7, 45 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

8 Jul = 8, 10 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

9 Jul = 8, 36 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

10 Jul = 9, 03 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

11 Jul = 9, 32 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

12 Jul = 10, 03 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

13 Jul = 10, 35 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

14 Jul = 11, 08 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

15 Jul = 11, 43 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

16 Jul = 12, 19 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

17 Jul = 12, 56 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

18 Jul = 13, 34 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

19 Jul = 14, 14 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

20 Jul = 14, 54 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

21 Jul = 15, 35 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

22 Jul = 16, 18 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

23 Jul = 17, 01 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

24 Jul = 17, 45 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

25 Jul = 18, 31 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

26 Jul = 19, 17 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

27 Jul = 20, 03 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

28 Jul = 20, 51 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

29 Jul = 21, 39 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

30 Jul = 22, 58 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

31 Jul = 23, 18 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)




Venus position: August 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 Aug = 24, 09 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

2 Aug = 25, 00 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

3 Aug = 25, 51 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

4 Aug = 26, 44 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

5 Aug = 27, 37 degrees Gemini (28° Gemini 47 = Unfortunate Venus)

6 Aug = 28, 30 degrees Gemini (28° Gemini 47 = Unfortunate Venus)

7 Aug = 29, 25 degrees Gemini (Neutral Venus)

8 Aug = 0, 19 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

9 Aug = 1, 14 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

10 Aug = 2, 10 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

11 Aug = 3, 06 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

12 Aug = 4, 03 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

13 Aug = 5, 00 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

14 Aug = 5, 58 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

15 Aug = 6, 56 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

16 Aug = 7, 54 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

17 Aug = 8, 53 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

18 Aug = 9, 52 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

19 Aug = 10, 52 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

20 Aug = 11, 52 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

21 Aug = 12, 52 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

22 Aug = 13, 53 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

23 Aug = 14, 54 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

24 Aug = 15, 55 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

25 Aug = 16, 57 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

26 Aug = 17, 59 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

27 Aug = 19, 01 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

28 Aug = 20, 04 degrees Cancer (20° Cancer 27 = Unfortunate Venus)

29 Aug = 21, 07 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

30 Aug = 22, 10 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

31 Aug = 23, 13 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)




Venus position: September 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 Sep = 24, 17 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

2 Sep = 25, 21 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

3 Sep = 26, 25 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

4 Sep = 27, 30 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

5 Sep = 28, 35 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

6 Sep = 29, 40 degrees Cancer (Neutral Venus)

7 Sep = 0, 45 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

8 Sep = 1, 50 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

9 Sep = 2, 56 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

10 Sep = 4, 02 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

11 Sep = 5, 08 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

12 Sep = 6, 14 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

13 Sep = 7, 21 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

14 Sep = 8, 28 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

15 Sep = 9, 35 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

16 Sep = 10, 42 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

17 Sep = 11, 49 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

18 Sep = 12, 57 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

19 Sep = 14, 04 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

20 Sep = 15, 12 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

21 Sep = 16, 20 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

22 Sep = 17, 28 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

23 Sep = 18, 37 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

24 Sep = 19, 45 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

25 Sep = 20, 54 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

26 Sep = 22, 03 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

27 Sep = 23, 12 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

28 Sep = 24, 21 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

29 Sep = 25, 30 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

30 Sep = 26, 40 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)




Venus position: October 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 Oct = 27, 49 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

2 Oct = 28, 59 degrees Leo (Neutral Venus)

3 Oct = 0, 09 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

4 Oct = 1, 19 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

5 Oct = 2, 29 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

6 Oct = 3, 39 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

7 Oct = 4, 50 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

8 Oct = 6, 00 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

9 Oct = 7, 11 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

10 Oct = 8, 22 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

11 Oct = 9, 33 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

12 Oct = 10, 44 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

13 Oct = 11, 55 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

14 Oct = 13, 06 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

15 Oct = 14, 18 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

16 Oct = 15, 29 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

17 Oct = 16, 41 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

18 Oct = 17, 52 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

19 Oct = 19, 04 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

20 Oct = 20, 16 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

21 Oct = 21, 28 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

22 Oct = 22, 40 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

23 Oct = 23, 52 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

24 Oct = 25, 05 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

25 Oct = 26, 17 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

26 Oct = 27, 29 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

27 Oct = 28, 42 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

28 Oct = 29, 54 degrees Virgo (Fall of Venus in Virgo = bad position)

29 Oct = 1, 07 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

30 Oct = 2, 20 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

31 Oct = 3, 33 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)




Venus position: November 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 Nov = 4, 46 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

2 Nov = 5, 59 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

3 Nov = 7, 12 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

4 Nov = 8, 25 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

5 Nov = 9, 38 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

6 Nov = 10, 51 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

7 Nov = 12, 05 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

8 Nov = 13, 18 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

9 Nov = 14, 32 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

10 Nov = 15, 45 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

11 Nov = 16, 59 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

12 Nov = 18, 13 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

13 Nov = 19, 26 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

14 Nov = 20, 40 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

15 Nov = 21, 54 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

16 Nov = 23, 08 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

17 Nov = 24, 22 degrees Libra (24° Libra 03: Spica = Fortunate Venus; Venus rules in Libra = good position)

18 Nov = 25, 36 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

19 Nov = 26, 50 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

20 Nov = 28, 04 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

21 Nov = 29, 18 degrees Libra (Venus rules in Libra = good position)

22 Nov = 0, 32 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

23 Nov = 1, 47 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

24 Nov = 3, 01 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

25 Nov = 4, 15 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

26 Nov = 5, 30 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

27 Nov = 6, 44 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

28 Nov = 7, 58 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

29 Nov = 9, 13 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

30 Nov = 10, 27 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)




Venus position: December 2020


Venus exerts rulership in Taurus and Libra, exaltation in Pisces, detriment in Scorpio and Aries, fall in Virgo.

Here is the map of the sky today.

1 Dec = 11, 42 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

2 Dec = 12, 56 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

3 Dec = 14, 11 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

4 Dec = 15, 26 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

5 Dec = 16, 40 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

6 Dec = 17, 55 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

7 Dec = 19, 10 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

8 Dec = 20, 24 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

9 Dec = 21, 39 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

10 Dec = 22, 54 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

11 Dec = 24, 09 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

12 Dec = 25, 24 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

13 Dec = 26, 39 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

14 Dec = 27, 54 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

15 Dec = 29, 08 degrees Scorpio (Detriment of Venus in Scorpio = bad position)

16 Dec = 0, 23 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

17 Dec = 1, 38 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

18 Dec = 2, 53 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

19 Dec = 4, 08 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

20 Dec = 5, 23 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

21 Dec = 6, 38 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

22 Dec = 7, 53 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

23 Dec = 9, 08 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

24 Dec = 10, 23 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

25 Dec = 11, 38 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

26 Dec = 12, 54 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

27 Dec = 14, 09 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

28 Dec = 15, 24 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

29 Dec = 16, 39 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

30 Dec = 17, 54 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)

31 Dec = 19, 09 degrees Sagittarius (Neutral Venus)




My blog


All my free articles and videos on the subject of magick are available. Here is My blog.




Goetia and the Arbatel: which spirit can help you and why









Goetia describes 72 spirits. Demon Belial is described in the Goetia too and this is his seal.




Demon Belial: a macho demon



Goetia describes 72 spirits. Demon Belial is described in the Goetia too. Demon Belial is also described in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. I love and adore Belial for his ability to grant bank loans fast and to influence people in positions of power.

One of my Facebook friends asked me this question:

“Bonnie, I am on a standby list for a class I need to repeat in order to graduate. I am supposed to graduate next semester. How do I use magic to give myself an advantage to get into that class?”

My question was: “Why do you need this class? Is it for money and for starting your career?” The answer was: “Yes!”

I suggested to summon Belial. Belial has helped one of my rapper singer clients to get a foot into a massive Youtube channel. This happened one year after I cast the spell for the young man.

Belial is all about influencing people to like us. When people like us, they have a tendency to give us more attention, money, classes, an opportunity to upload a video to popular Youtube channels, etc.

Demon Belial helps the practitioner to have a good name. This demon is a huge help for a single woman: he can fix and silence trouble (even legal trouble).

Moreover, if you are into necromantic magick, Belial can help you. You can summon dead bankers and dead lawyers along with Belial.




Demon Belial: Goetia



You don’t need a physical man to fix your problem. Belial can fix your problem.



Belial distributes Presentations and Senatorships, and he also gives good familiars. This demon grants favours of friends and enemies.

Demon Belial must have offerings and gifts from the practitioner. If offerings and gifts are not given to Belial, he will not give true answers and deceive the practitioner.

Source: Goetia




Other Goetia demons






Demon Dantalion could help you if you need to influence a person in a position of power to open a lucky door for you. But there is a risk with Dantalion, because he has his own will.

Dantalion can change the thoughts of the target, but in a way he pleases. You still have some degree of control over the situation and you must be able to reverse the spell if the spell is taking another direction.

Demon Dantalion has enormous talents: he can influence dead people and change their attitude towards you. If you do rituals with dead soldiers very often, Dantalion can help you if issues arise.

Which issues? Scary visions, magick gone wrong on several occasions (if the soldiers are not willing to protect you) and nightmares about you being killed by the soldiers.

Dantalion can also help you to tame angry pets. Have you seen hormonal parrots who think you are their mate? Dantalion can deal with the parrot and calm the desire to produce offspring with you.


Hagith from the Arbatel



The Olympic spirit Hagith is described in the Arbatel De magia veterum.


Hagith: Arbatel



Hagith is in charge of all things that have a connection to the planet Venus. He makes the practitioner very attractive. Hagith can convert copper into gold and gold into copper.

Hagith rules over 4000 legions of spirits and he also gives Familiar spirits.

Source: Arbatel De magia veterum



My Facebook friend asked me this: “How can magick help a person to loose weight and to help cut back drinking?”

My answer was: “Drinking is a very serious addiction and it has roots in the psyche. Its the lack of love in life that causes men and women to numb their feeling with the help of substances.

I never did such spells on myself, because I do not drink even a drop of alcohol. So I cannot say how good the effect will be on another person”.

But Hagith can help to reduce weight. A person must have a very strong will to curb the addiction to food and sweets. Hagith helps to develop habits of eating certain foods.

Its also good to understand that if you want to live a long life and be healthy, some beverages and foods cannot be consumed by you.




Stuff that makes us fat





Juice with over 0% sugar

Ice cream


Chocolate (but dark chocolate is good for us)


Baked stuff




Fried foods



Potatoes (because they contain starch)


Milk (contains sugar)

Meat (high energy food)

Chicken (fat)




Healing the pain: Dantalion & Marbas



Demon Marbas is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



Depression can lead to heavy drinking and also to overeating. Both food and alcohol are addictive substances, because they produce chemicals of pleasure in our bodies.

Demons Marbas and Heramael can heal depressions and all physical illness of the body. Depression is caused by thoughts of sorrow. You must have a very strong will in order to flee from your own thoughts.



Demon Dantalion is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



Dantalion can also lift up a depression. You can manipulate your own subconscious mind by attacking it with Dantalion in a persistent fashion.

Do this at your own risk, because to play with your own subconscious mind is dangerous. Be sure that you can control your brain and that you won’t break your psyche.

Dantalion can help you to curb addiction to substances too. He can numb out emotional pain too. What else can Dantalion do for you?

He can change your thoughts to such an extent that you may loose all your feelings for a man you love within a certain time frame (and the man will loose you).

Such magick is not reversible. You cannot return your feelings once you loose them. Dantalion changes the structure of the thought patterns and blocks out thoughts of emotional pain.

Overeating: decide what you want



You must decide if food is really that important for you or not. Food is not important for me, but other things are. If you want to reshape your eating habits, you must disregard group pressure (at work) or family pressure.

Let your family members eat whatever they want to eat. Stick to your diet. It takes approximately 2,5 months to see the first results. But later the weight will decrease all the time.

But what should you eat if you want to begin dieting? Read here about my changed eating habits and my weight loss.





My blog


All my free articles and videos on the subject of magick are available. Here is My blog.



The Olympic spirit Hagith: my changed eating habits and my weight loss









The Olympic spirit Hagith is described in the Arbatel De magia veterum.


The Olympic spirit Hagith is described in the Arbatel De magia veterum. I do regular rituals with Hagith (because I cannot stop interacting with Hagith) and this spirit has helped me to throw away more that 18 kilograms of extra weight.

The truth is that I also placed my own life as payment for the life of my Rose Breasted Cockatoo when the bird had serious injuries. The pact with Lucifer, Marbas and Heramael made me loose weight very fast too. My bird recovered fast.

Below you will find information about Hagith and also information about my eating habits. My eating habits are directly influenced by Hagith, because I have done rituals with this spirit during two years now.

You will also find out some dangers of working with Hagith and the drawbacks of rapid weight loss (if you place your own life as a payment for healing your pet).




Hagith: Arbatel


Hagith is in charge of all things that have a connection to the planet Venus. He makes the practitioner very attractive. Hagith can convert copper into gold and gold into copper.

Hagith rules over 4000 legions of spirits and he also gives Familiar spirits.

Source: Arbatel De magia veterum




My diet

inspired by Hagith


Below you will discover what I eat on a daily basis. I am not hungry at all and I have stopped consuming meat, because the taste in my mouth changed.

Each day I eat this:

Breakfast = 1 tomato and 80 grams of Tuna fish and 3 large glasses of water

Lunch = salad, one hard boiled egg, 1/2 of a red apple and 3 large glasses of water

Dinner = 1 tomato and 80 grams of Tuna fish and 3 large glasses of water

This is all I eat. I have no inspiration to eat more or something else. I have stopped cooking food.

I do eat cheese, salami and delicious pork from time to time, but in very moderate amounts. I drink coffee too, but without milk and without sugar. I also eat broccoli and Thai Wok vegetables with salmon.




Foods I do not eat




Fried foods

Ice cream



Baked stuff











Below I offer you a video. I made the video one year ago. At that time, I did not know how much weight I will be loosing. I did not know that I will loose my appetite.






The dangers

of magick with Hagith


It is not uncommon to throw up if you eat meat. Such is the effect of magick with Hagith. This spirit will also help you to decrease the amount of smoked cigarettes.

If you have silicon implants, things will go wrong due to rapid weight loss. Be ready to get rid of your silicon implants. And this is the main problem, because you will f**k up your breasts.

There is no point in trying to fix new ones, because your spells will be active during minimum 5 years and you will continue to loose weight all the time.

Your appetite will decrease all the time. You can fix the implants when the spells have slowed down and you can eat in a normal way once more.

I am not hungry at all. I cannot force myself to eat. At the same time I feel very good and sleep well.





the correspondences


This is the Tree of Life.
Hagith is a planetary spirit of Venus. Use the correspondences of Netzach.


I use the correspondences of Netzach in my spells with Hagith:

Ruling planet: Venus

Day: Friday

Astrological hour: Venus

Paper seal colour: green

Metal seal: copper

Number: 7

Herb: cinnamon (my own choice)

Scent: sandalwood




My blog


All my free articles and videos on the subject of magick are available. Here is My blog.



Demon Sitri from Goetia and love spells









Demon Sitri can help with love and lust magick.


Demon Sitri can help you to do lust spells on a particular person. Such spells will increase the person’s desire to want you as their partner.

Most people know the concept of magick with dolls through the legendary voodoo doll. Dolls can be used to manipulate, heal, protect or damage.

The idea works through the principle of equality. When you make a doll like someone, what is done with the doll during the ritual will happen to the target of the spell.

If you do healing magick using the doll of someone who is ill, the healing energy will be sent to the ill person. Direct an evil curse to the doll, with a pin and a hammer, then the pain and the disease will be sent to the person in question.

Love and lust spells can be directed towards the doll, and these energies will be directed towards the person. Such magick is classified as selfish and manipulative.

Which other demons can help?

There are several demons described in Goetia. I have done spells with the demons Dantalion, Sallos, Zepar, Beleth and Sitri.

I have 3 favourites: Sitri, Sallos and Dantalion. These three have different abilities, but Sitri is probably the more “evil” one but also the most talented.

Sitri is the twelfth Spirit of Goetia. He is a great Prince, and appears at first with a Leopard’s head and the Wings of a Gryphon, but after the command of the Master of the Exorcism he putts on Human shape, and that shape is very beautiful.

He inflames men with Women’s love, and Women with Men’s love, and causes them also to show themselves naked if it be desired.

Sitri rules 60 legions of spirits.




Demon Sitri comes from the sphere of Gamchicoth on the Qliphotic Tree.
Sitri comes from the Qlipha of Gamchicoth. This place is ruled by demon Astaroth (chart based on Clavicula Salomonis).

It is my experience that Sitri can dramatically increase sexual desire. But it is said that the demon Sitri is of a somewhat evil character.

This demon does what you ask him to do: he will bring the one you love to you. But then in secrecy, he may giggle at your week sides.

But I like Sitri. We have a warm friendship and a symbiotic relationship. Sitri can also help with beauty magic to make you very attractive to the opposite sex.

The demon Sergutthy from Grimoirium Verum can also help with beauty magic and make you very confident about yourself.



The seal of Sergutthy from Grimoirium Verum.



Demon Sitri: about such lust spells…

If you are open to doing magick on a particular person you like, you can direct the love magick to that person (to make them burn with sexual desire for you).

Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work the way you want it to work. Just because you increase someone’s desire does not mean that it will be directed towards you or that the target of your spell will do as you wish.

If they are shy or if they feel that invitations to have sex are inappropriate, they will simply be a bit extra horny, but it won’t benefit you.

In order to make such magic work in a very efficient way, you need to be sure that the person in question is attracted to you.

If you are unsure, your chances are 50/50. But one knows that men like sex a lot and it may happen that the magick works.

For the spell to work, there should be no obstacles in the path of the spell. The common obstacles are such:

the person is already in a relationship

the person is married

Moreover, if you want a married person, the spell will take on a malicious character. It may not work, or it may take a long time, or it may work after several attempts, but there is no promise.

It is better to aim after a single person who is attracted to you. Then you two will enjoy your time together if you spice your love life with a lust spell. Sitri will be happy to help you.





My blog


All my free articles and videos on the subject of magick are available. Here is My blog.


A beauty spell with the seal of Hagith



Hagith is the planetary spirit of Venus. He makes a woman beautiful and desirable.


“Hagith governeth Venereous things. He that is dignified with his Character, he maketh very fair, and to be adorned with all beauty. He converteth copper into gold, in a moment, and gold into copper: he giveth Spirits which do faithfully serve those to whom they are addicted.

He hath 4000 Legions of Spirits and over every thousand he ordaineth Kings for their appointed seasons. “

Arbatel De magia veterum

Follow this link to Arbatel De magia verum to read more about the Olympic Spirits.

Hagith is the one you will want to contact if you want to look fabulous or regenerate your lost beauty. I offer you one more post: The Olympic spirit Hagith and how he can help you.




This spell is done during the waning moon and during a Friday. The correspondences of Venus are the following:

Ruling planet: Venus

Day: Friday

Astro hour: Venus

Paper seal colour: green

Metal: copper

Number: 7

For this spell you will need:

a green candle

a green seal of Hagith

a large napkin (to wrap the seal)

a rubber band

a glas jar with a screw lid

a table spoon of honey (healing, regeneration)

a garlic clove (healing, regeneration)

a small rose bud (dried rose is fine too)

thyme (healing), cinnamon (beauty), nutmeg (healing)

oils for the seal: mint and sandalwood

a drop of your blood



Activate the seal of Hagith with Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Begin evoking Hagith by staring right into the seal and reciting your call.

Place a drop of your blood on the seal. Pour the honey over the drop of blood and add the herbs, including the rose. Top all this with the garlic clove.

Recite your spell 3 times and visualize the effect you desire. If this part is difficult, bring forth the memories of your youth and focus on these memories for 5 minutes.

Raise power and project it into the seal. Thank Hagith and give licence to depart.

Finish your ritual and let the candle burn down. On the next day fold the seal (carefully) and wrap it into a napkin. Secure with a rubber band.

Place the seal into the glas jar and then place the jar into your freezer to freeze  the run of time and also your aging.



In conclusion:


Spells with Hagith manifest quickly. Hagith showers a woman with luxury quality cosmetics and perfumes (for a good price!).

This is my personal experience, because now I don’t even have any free space left on my dressers: Hagith bought me lots of cosmetics, glitter sprays and perfumes.



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The seal of Sustugriel from Grimoirium Verum

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