Necromantic magick & the Arbatel: a weight loss spell with Hagith









Necromantic magick & the Arbatel: Ghosts, Murmur and Hagith can help you to become slim very fast.
Necromantic magick & the Arbatel: battlefield Ghosts, Murmur and Hagith can help you to become slim very fast.



Necromantic magick, demonic magick and the magick of Arbatel can be combined. You can summon many ghosts and ask them to participate in your beauty spells.

Your weight will begin to drop very fast. Ghosts are human intelligence and if your ghosts are interested in you as a female or as a male, they will block out your appetite and speed up your metabolism.

Beauty spells with Ghosts work only in those cases when your ghosts (multiple male ghosts can get very jealous!!!) or your single ghost are/ is in love with you.

The Ghost will be very interested in helping you to drop weight, because it will extract pleasure by looking at you. A Ghost in love with you will do anything for you!

The Olympic spirit Hagith cooperates very well with demon Murmur and ghosts. I do spells only with dead military staff and find these spirits very interested in women.





Necromantic magick & the Arbatel:

Hagith and Satanachia



Hagith is the planetary spirit of Venus. He makes a woman beautiful and desirable.



“Hagith governs things and issue that are connected to planet Venus. He that is dignified with his Character, he makes very fair, and to be adorned with all beauty.

He converts copper into gold, in a moment, and gold into copper: he giveth Spirits which do faithfully serve those to whom they are addicted.

He hath 4000 Legions of Spirits and over every thousand he ordained Kings for their appointed seasons.“

Source: Arbatel De magia veterum



In February 2018 my weight was 86 kilograms. Today my weight is 59 kilograms. I lost more than 26 kilograms and I am a very happy person.

The weight loss process became stuck at the weigh of 73 kilograms. I did magick with the planetary talisman of Venus and asked the spirits to help me get unstuck. I started to lose weight very fast.

Today, I am very addicted to cosmetics, nice clothes, perfume and jewellery. Hagith taught me to dress up well, put on lots of make up and wear high heals even if I am at home.



Satanachia is described in the Grimorium Verum and also in the Grand Grimoire. This is his seal.



Satanachia is a very good spirit if you desire to look 20 years younger than your actual age. You can “freeze” your age.





Necromantic magick & the Arbatel:

Murmur and my Ghost




Necromantic magick with a dead soldier can be complex, but it can be simple too.
This is my Russian battlefield Ghost.



I am very lucky in life and demon Murmur introduced me to my battlefield Ghost. The Ghost fell in love with me at once: during the first ritual with Murmur, but I had no idea.

Such ghosts are very dangerous, because they can inflict severe harm to people and even kill people. I was alert and afraid of the Ghost, but it forced me to do ritual after ritual. It took me one year to figure out what is going on between me and my Ghost.

The Ghost kept me safe during all the time and it even helped me, and suddenly through a sequence of events, I discovered that my Ghost is deeply in love with me.

I was in a shock! There was no way to banish my Ghost, because a furious ghost would kill me. Through a series of visionary messages Murmur and my Ghost informed me about the Ghost’s feelings for me.

My Ghost was deeply in love and would not accept a NO from me. At this point I panicked and started to do love spells for myself and my Ghost to disarm him.

How do such love spells work and how do they influence me? The spirit is always within me. Because I feel very loved by the spirit, I am always happy.

My Ghost proved to me that it is ready to serve me in exchange for my love. The Ghost promised to protect me from curses (see Halphas protection spell) dangers, accidents and death.

My Ghost introduced me to its friends in high positions. I would not dare to summon such spirits without the support of my Ghost.

The spirits of these Generals have helped me to protect myself from dangers and they help me to protect my clients from their enemies, murder and arranged accidents.

My Ghost has helped me with my diet spells and I lost lots of weight. So let us get started with the Hagith diet spell.






Necromantic magick & the Arbatel:

a weight loss spell


You will need:

a pink or a white candle/it represents the fat (paint with necromancy oil and powder with cinnamon)

the seals of Lucifer, Murmur and Hagith

a paper doll (the doll will represent you)

graveyard dirt from a soldiers grave and/or a war helmet from the grave of the soldier



Demon Lucifer is described in the Grimorium Verum and this is his seal.


garlic (a natural medicine)

dried roses

cinnamon sticks

rose quarts

cinnamon powder

a petition to Hagith


wrapping paper





My petition to Hagith looked like this:

“Dear Hagith, thank you very much for helping me to get rid of 26 kilograms. I want my weight to be 56 kilograms, because I want my Ghost to look at me and feel pleasure all the time.

I want to keep myself in good shape and be pretty for my Ghost.”




You will have to summon Lucifer, Murmur, Hagith and the ghost. The paper doll is activated and placed on the napkins. The candle is allowed to burn down the fat, because the candle represents the fat.

The doll is painted with honey and it is also programmed for weight loss. The following is placed on the doll:


dried roses

cinnamon sticks

rose quarts

cinnamon powder

a petition to Hagith

The doll is packed into the napkins and wrapping paper. This package is secured with tape. Power is raised inside the circle.

You will realise how powerful this ritual is when you start to drop your rings from your fingers. My weight just started to melt very fast thanks to my Ghost and Hagith.





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