How to avoid falling in love with the wrong man


kärleksmagi_tarot spådom_ljusmagi_häxa_häxkonst_voodoo hoodoo

I recieve lots of letters from women who are left brokenhearted after love has ended. My first impression is that these women easily fall in love with the wrong type of men and become involved in the developing relationship on a very deep level. And fast! Why this kind of rush? I never understood why women need to fall in love, or in other words, why is there a need to have a relationship with a man. Although, I must admit that I too dream of my Prince from time to time, but not often enough.

Perhaps it’s the longing to have a family that moves women closer to men. The problem here is the high speed of the developing relationship. If you want to survive emotionally, you as a woman or as a man, need to hit the break pedals of your love vehicle. Hit the break pedals in the beginning of your love relationship to avoid blindly falling in love. The blindness of love is very dangerious and can kill you after some years if your relationship ends.

It is important to avoid having physical pleasures with your new partner very soon after you two meet. I know men want to become physical as soon as possible. Not that fast! Set your boundaries and do not jump into the intimate region of your relationship with high speed. Why? If you are a woman you most probably will fall in love with your new man. Your feelings will blossom up very fast and you will be unable to hit the break pedals of your love vehicle.

The most important advice I will give you is this: listen to the speach of your new partner. What does the man want from you? Is he telling you or writing to you that you make him horny even before you meet face to face? Then, this man of yours wants only pleasure. Stay away from this type of men. Some of these men are damaged and are unable to form stable relationships with women. They seek out partners for pleasure of the body, because their fear of relationships holds them back from falling in love.

Ask questions about your new partners past relationships and how and why they ended. If your partner starts talking about many romantic partners in the past, you should know that you won’t be the last one. Stay away from such people. If you cling on to such partner you will be exchanged for a new partner in some few years.

Generally there are different men:

some want to go physical for one time only

some want to try to fall in love (for a short time)

some are loyal and devoted

Seek out the loyal ones who can form long lasting relationships. Hit the break pedals of your love vehicle so you have time to observe your new partner and draw your conclusions while you are still sober from the pangs of love. Good luck!

Increasing your Witch power: seal and chain method

Satanic witchcraft_Luciferian witchcraft_seal of Lucifer_häxkonst


You have to be in good condition all the time. Sometimes our reserves of Witch power become empty due to worry, stress and battling with enemies. When you have done may spells to defend your interests, that is, you may feel like your fuel tank is empty, it is time to do spells to fetch occult power from our egregore. The Satanic egregore is a large energetic structure and is fed with occult power by multiple sects all over the world. Link to this structure to fill your fuel tank to the brim.

Your power will be restored over one moon cycle. I advice to repeat this particular spell regularly some 5-10 times until you feel that your powers are restored. You will feel when to stop filling your tank with occult power. Should you leave your physical body often during slumber and your experiences feel lucid to you, then you know, it is time to stop filling your tank.

The best time to do this spell is the full moon and the period of 5 days to the full moon night. You will need:

a black candle

some oil to rub the candle with (Marsian oils come to mind: iron in olive oil)

a book about Voodoo, Witchcraft or the Goetia

a photo of a Witch inside the book is good to have (you will place your jewelry on this photo)

your occult jewelry: pentacle, inverted cross or ankh…

the seal of Lucifer

Place the jewelry on the photo of the magickal practitioner and cover with the seal of Lucifer. Close shut the book. Do this 24 hours before you plan your ritual. In this way you are charging your jewelry. When you do your ritual you should consecrate the seal and the jewelry by calling the four Princes of Hell and asking them to grant you more occult power. Use the book during your sorcery as a source of occult power. And so shall it be. Wear the jewelry all the time. The egregore will help you to restore your powers.

Reversing Voodoo Love spells by destroying the doll of the target

Voodoo Hoodoo_kärleksmagi_tarot spådom_häxkonst_voodoo docka

Voodoo love spells are very dangerous and they take charge of your target very fast on a very deep level. Within 2 weeks the target of your manipulative spell will go crazy by experiencing hot pangs of love and by becoming very horny. Some men are dangerous to a woman and it is important to know when you start to become the object of heavy amorous harrasments that start to emanate from the target of your spell.

After two weeks of my spell, I knew that I have crossed the law and am bending the free will of my target. I consulted a friend and was advised to break the spell before it is too late. Of course, the original spell involved a Voodoo doll of the target. It was luck for me that I had retained the doll at home. If I had thrown away the doll, there would be no way of stopping the spell that with time would result in a catastrophe for me and my target.

I had done the reversal of the Voodoo spell inside my ritual circle. The phase of the moon is important: if you can, do the reversal when the moon is full or waning. I was so scared of the way the target started to behave that I did the reversal at once disregarding the phase of the moon. The danger is great when Voodoo dolls are involved. If you do not reverse the spell in time, before the thoughtform has grown large and beyong your control, you may never be able to stop the spell. In this case you will have an obsessed and very horny man hunting after you.

You will need:

a white candle (colour it black with a black marker pen)

lime juice to paint the candle

the doll of the target

small scissors

black marker pen

a dish

Light the sour reversible candle. Paint over the targets name and adress with the black marker pen. Start to disassemble the doll of the target. Take out the cotton from the head along with the intoxicating substances, paper slips with written thoughts, herbs and mixtures of controlling and confusing powders. State that no harm shall befall the target and that the target will become “sober” from the pangs of horny love at once to ensure that you are safe from danger.  Empty the doll of all the horny herbs. Pour out the contents of the dangerous doll into a dish.


Let the candle burn out. The remnants of the doll can be burried, burned or discarded into trash. The target may continue to hunt for you for a while, but in this case it is better to avoid contact. Hopefully they will find someone else to love with their horny love.

The Hebrew Alphabet and the Qabalistic Seals

The Rose Cross lamen of the Golden Dawn

This page will be dedicated to seal and sigil creation. To summon Qabalistic entities succesfully you will have to understand how to create your own sigils. There are ready made seals and sigils found in books, but it is a pleasure to understand the process of sigil creation.

I am myself fascinated with the rituals of Ceremonial Witchcraft, but the only thing I don’t like is the Egyptian pantheon in the teachings of Golden Dawn. Therefore I follow the Satanic ritual structure while summoning the Qabalistic entities. Maybe someday, I will restructure my rituals and perform them in Hebrew.

Below comes a Rose Cross lamen that is used by followers of Ceremonial Arts. It is therefore important to know the Hebrew alphabet and the sound of each Hebrew letter in order to spell the entitie’s name correctly in Hebrew, and then draw lines in this Rose Cross lamen.

Hebrew letters_Qabalah_satanism_voodoo_häxkonst


The Hebrew Alphabet and the sound of each Hebrew letter







Value of each letter:

Aleph = 1

Bet = 2

Gimmel = 3

Dallet = 4

Heh = 5

Vahv = 6

Zy-in = 7

Chet = 8

Teht = 9

Yud = 10

Kaph = 20

Lahmed = 30

Mehm = 40

Nun = 50

Sah-mech = 60

Eye-in = 70

Peh = 80

Tzah-dee = 90

Koph = 100

Resh = 200

Shin = 300

Tahv = 400

Image result for shemhamforash meaning

Read from right to left: Yud Heh Vah Heh (the 4-fold name of God, that is, Tetragrammaton or Solomons pentacle) = 10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26

Additional letters if they occur at the end of the word complicate sigil creation, because one has to know Hebrew very well. I am learning the Hebrew alphabet and words for the purpose of performing my rituals in Hebrew.

5 additional letters in Hebrew


Exception to the rules (see the two photos here):

1. The letter with the value 500 is actually Dalleth that turns into Kaph, because it is found at the end of the word.

2. Final Mehm = value 600/ has another appearance if at the end of word

3. Final Nun = value 700/has another appearance if at the end of word

4. Final Peh = value 80/has another appearance if at the end of word

5. Final Tzah dee = 900/has another appearance if at the end of word

Totally = 5 letters that complicate the process of sigil creation, because they change their appearance if found at the end of the word.

Hebrew is read from right to left

Know the Hebrew name of the entitie. This is not easy for the student. This is what I feel. I wish I had a Rabbi who would teach me the secrets of practical Qabalah. For now I educate myself, by searching in online occult sources and also by following in the footsteps of famous Ceremonial magicians.

As an example I want to show you how one can create the seal of Phorlakh (used in money spells). We need to know the Hebrew name of this Angel Phorlakh (belongs to the Element of Earth/probably from the Sephira of Malkuth).


Hebrew is read from right to left: Peh-Vah-Resh-Lahmed-Aleph-Kaph (Daleth changes into Kaph with value 500/ end of the word!).

So you begin drawing straight lines to join the hebrew letters in the Rose Cross lamen. I will continue, because I will take pictures of my seals.

Creating the seal of Phorlakh

Step 1:


Write the name Phorlakh in Hebrew from right to left 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Note that the 6th letter Dalleth is at the end of the name. In this case Dalleth turns into Kaph with the value 500 (see exceptions above, point 1 ).

Step 2:


Draw the lines starting with Peh. At Peh make a small circle. This will mark the beginning of your seal drawing. Continue drawing through the letters in the following sequence: Vah-Resh-Lahmed-Aleph-Kaph.

Step 3:


Step 4:

Choose green or olive coloured paper. This is because Malkuth is divided into 4 Elemental spheres:


Air = yellow

Fire = Red

Water = black

Earth = green/olive colour

I had no green paper at home. Therefore I choose some “yellow mud” coloured paper to demonstrate my seal.






Ready. You may decorate the seal with Phorlakh written in Hebrew. When you perform your ritual its important to consecrate the seal with Air, Fire, Water and Earth on your altar. Stare at the seal and read the conjurations to Phorlakh. Have your mirror positioned outside your circle. If you see nothing, don’t get upset. Do a spell with the seal.

The purpose of summoning entities is also to obtain favours from them. Make talismans when the moon is waxing and full to draw things towards you. Make amulets when the moon is full and waning to repel things from you.

A manipulative love spell with a Voodoo doll and the seal of demon Sitri


This is the seal of demon Sitri from Goetia.



There will be instances when you will want to take out your revenge on a partner. When finally, all the quarrelling is over, and you want the other party to understand that you are worth loving, then use this method.

This spell is not meant to be used for the purpose of returning a lover, but to make them regret the loss of love. Its a revenge spell.




A manipulative love spell is a bewitchment.



Before attempting this revenge spell, please make sure you feel good and are not desperate for love, so the spell does not influence you much by causing you emotional suffering.

After using this method there is a huge risk that the man will become deeply touched by your spell, obsessed and addicted to you (in order to get rid of them you will have to do other spells).





Who is Sitri?




Sitri is a demon of lust.



Sitri can inflame men with women’s love, and women with men’s love. This spirit causes a man and a woman to desire each other with great passion.

According to S. Connolly, Sitri can do all the above stated for you, and he can also be called upon when you wish to infuse a creative project with passion.


Goetia & Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly



Sitri: the best time for witchcraft



This is the Tree of life.
Sitri comes from the Sephira of Chesed. This sphere is ruled by the planet Jupiter.



The picture above illustrates the Sephirotic Tree of Life. The shell of Sephira Chesed is called Gamchicoth. The Princes and Prelates of Goetia come from Gamchicoth. This Qlipha (the shell) is ruled by the planet Jupiter.



This is the Qliphotic tree.
This is the Qliphotic Tree and the Qlipha Gamchicoth is ruled by the archdemon Astaroth (this Tree is based on the information found in the Key of Solomon).



But according to the Goetia, Astaroth is the Duke of Qlipha Harab Serapel. This Qlipha is ruled by the planet Venus and most of the Goetic spirits come from this place on the Qliphotic Tree. We shall stick to the classification of spirits according to the Goetia.

Sitri is summoned during Thursdays, because the planet Jupiter rules the Thursdays. Also, it would be great if you can summon Sitri during the astrological hour of Jupiter.

I use the correspondences of Chesed even for Gamchicoth:

Ruling planet: Jupiter

Day: Thursday

Astro hour: Jupiter

Paper seal colour: blue

Metal: tin

Gems: sapphire & amethyst

Number: 4 (4 candles for example)

Plant: olive (use olive oil)

Scent: cedar (I use cinnamon)

Summon Sitri during a Thursday. You can fine-tune your magick by selecting the astrological hour of Jupiter.





Spell ingredients:



a red or a pink candle (paint it with sunflower oil and it roll in cinnamon)

a doll of the target

doll stuffing near the heart area: powdered cinnamon, rose petals, rosmarine and basil

doll stuffing for the head cavity:

vodka (to cause confusion of feelings)

honey (to turn an enemye into a friend)

powdered cinnamon, vanilla sugar and chili

a slip of paper with written thoughts (read the thoughts to the doll)

sew a red heart to the doll’s chest: dip it into honey and powder with cinnamon, vanilla sugar and chili

Activate the doll with the help of the four Elements (call upon the four Princes of Hell). Give the doll your precise instructions.

Do not set a deactivation date for the doll, so the person will long after you eternally. Attach the seal of Sitri to the doll with needle and thread.

It is possible that you will have to reverse this spell. How? I have a post for you: A love spell with demon Sitri from Goetia.





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An invisibility spell with the Goetic demon Bael

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Some demons from The Goetia and how they can help you



The seals of Goetia influence our subconscious mind. Therefore, you must know yourself, your thoughts and feelings.

The spirits of Goetia are partly good and partly evil. I do not like the word evil for there is no evil in this world. All is neutral and relative.

Humans label spirits as being good or evil. The evil ones will act to boost and accentuate your psychological complexes, thats it. Your addictions may become more pronounced if you do spells with some spirits.

One should not be afraid to work with infernal beings, but it is wise to approach this area of the Occult with some caution.

Do not experiment just for the sake of fun with the “evil” infernal spirits of Goetia in combination with the curses of Voodoo (involves doll magick and cemetery dirt) in an attempt to punish your enemies.

The attack you send forth will be powerful, but it will come back to you sooner or later. Experienced practitioners of Hoodoo magick know about this, and this is the only reason they refrain from revenge in the form of a death curse or some magick in that style.

When you summon some demons from Goetia, you will notice that you have stirred chaos in your life. The events of your life may undergo a rapid change and you will try to catch up with the rapid changing circumstances of your life.

Do not panick though. Your life will become normal after some time. Change is a good but also a traumatic thing.





The seal of Bael from Goetia.


The Goetia tells us that Bael rules 66 legions of Spirits. His office is to make you go invisible by hiding you away from your enemies.

According to S. Connolly, Bael can help to spark your creativity and even give advice in matters of the heart. Also, you can seek Bael for wealth magick, if you are involved in creative projects, and plan to earn money by selling your creativity.

Enn: Ayer Secore On Ca Ba’al

Bael is a very helpful spirit and he helps you to literally vanish so that your presence is undetectable. This is my personal experience. If you want to hide from danger, then use this seal.

Call forth Bael using a spoken invitation to Bael. Gaze at the seal during a couple of minutes while you invite Bael.

Glue your hair and also apply a drop of your blood to the consecrated seal of Bael during your ritual. You should say a spell to give Bael very clear instructions.

Charge the seal. Give Bael the licence to depart before you close your circle. Keep the seal with you at all times.

There is no need to summon Bael to visible appearance using plant drugs, although this kind of experience can be very shocking and frightening.

Spirits may come making noise (speaking and making other noises). This is frightening and I always experience a light shock.

You might also want to read about Morail, a demon just like Bael, but from Grimoirium Verum.

It is very important to form a protective circle when you do your ritual. You should be inside the ritual circle and not allow the summoned forces cross the boundaries of your circle.

If you wish to communicate with the spirits while observing them appear in your black mirror, yes, then you will probably need some substance to sink into a deeper state of conciousness.





The seal of Agares from Goetia.


Summon Agares if you want to learn a foreign language fast. Spells with Agares will make you very fluent in a foreign language.

If you are stuck and your creativity has left you, Agares can push you forward. So, yes, Agares can show you how you can make money if you are an artist.

Well, Agares is capable of destroying the reputation and even the business of your enemy. I believe that the “earthquake” is a metaphor for a huge shocking change or demolition.

Source: Goetia & Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly

Enn: Rean ganen ayar da Agares





The seal of Vassago from Goetia.


Vassago is of a good nature and he can tell you about things of the past, and also predict your future. He can also discover secrets, things hidden and lost.

If you suspect that your enemy has cursed you, then you might want to summon Vassago, because he will tell you the truth. This spirits can also give you advice when you are dealing with difficult people.


Goetia & Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly



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How Lucifer can protect you from love that hurts



The seal of Lucifer from Grimoirium Verum.


This type of magick is done in emergency situations when you need to stand strong in your decisions: when “the beginning of love” ends and you need to go on with your life.

Allas, you thought it was true love! It was not love at all and it is good that you did not allow youself to fall in love.

After this ritual you will not be able to feel anything romantic towards men (or women, if you are a male). For a while of course, and until you find a better partner.

When to perform this ritual? Do this ritual during the waxing moon or during the fullmoon. Any day of the week is suitable, but Tuesdays are best (it is the day of Mars).




This is what you will need:


You will need:

a black candle (paint it with olive oil and roll it in crushed bay leaf and crushed sage)

the seal of Lucifer

a chain (a necklace)

an occult book like Goetia (your ritual book is also suitable)

You will need the book, because you will need a source of occult power. Store the seal and the chain in Goetia some hours before your ritual of bonding with Lucifer.

So, form your ritual circle. Call forth Lucifer while you gaze at his seal:

“I call you Lucifer. Please come to me. In your name Lucifer, the ruler of Earth and the King of our Universe, I command the forces of the pit to bestow their infernal powers upon me!

Open the doors that lead to Hell and come forth to love your beloved Witch. Grant me resiliens and immunity towards a man’s love so I am unable to fall in love with a man made of flesh.

Lucifer, I have taken your image and power as a part of me. By the joys of the life contained in the Hell, I demand that immunity be granted to me and immediately.

Love me Lord Lucifer, and I will love you back. Protect me from love that hurts. I offer this chain as a link to you!”


My self empowerment ritual with Lucifer.


Consecrate the seal and the chain with Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Ask Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan and Belial to witness your bonding with Lucifer.

Raise power and charge the seal and the chain. Wear the chain daily and you will fall out of love fast.



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Return the curse to sender Egg spell with demon Sabnock

How to undertand the Goetia if you are a beginner

How and why to brew bitter and sweet love potions


I am brewing my love potions.


Sometimes I cook love potions. My potions increase the love in my life. I do not look actively for romantic love, and instead know that love will happen someday.

When it come to love potions, you can brew two kinds of potions: protective ones that protect you from love that hurts, and potions aimed to allow the real sort love to increase in your life.

Be patient in the matters of love, because you do not want to attract some person who does not know how to satify you on every level.

The protective potion will act as a shielding and you will recognize “the wrong type of love” on the first day and act immidiately by saying:”Begone from my life!” inside your Witch circle.

The true partner is worth waiting for and this person must arrive some day. You will recognize this true love, because the true lover will care deeply for you.

The potions must be cooked inside your ritual circle. I have a special mini stove for cooking my potions.

When I cook my protective potions I stir the liquid counterclockwise with a help of a silver spoon.

The “true love” attracting potions are stirred in a clockwise manner.




The bitter & protective potion:

1 tablespoon basil

1 tablespoon rosmarin

a few drops patchouli oil

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 glas clean water

Stir this potion counterclockwise while boiling it. Let the potion simmer during 10 minutes. After the potion has cooled down, you may use a cheese cloth to separate the herbs from the liquid. This potion lasts from 1 to 2 weeks when kept in a glas (cover with aluminium foil).

The liquid will taste bitter and this is the point! Uncaring lovers are not welcome into my life, because I want my love to taste sweet.

Apply this potion to your chin, cheeks and tempels each morning upon awakening and each eve before departing into your sleep world.



The sweet & true love potion


The second type of love potion is the “true love attracting” one. If you use this potion you will feel more loved. You may receive roses from your loved ones as a result of using this potion.

The potion does not necessarily draw a romatic partner to you at once, but the attraction process becomes activated at once. You will need:

2 tablespoons rose petals

2 teaspoons crushed cinnamon sticks or powder

1 teaspoon basil

3-5 apple seeds

vanilla sugar

1/2 glas clean water

Cinnamon attracts both money and love.


The potion will become thick because of the cinnamon and vanilla sugar swelling. There is no sense to use a cheese cloth if you used powdered cinnamon and vanilla sugar.

I don’t know for sure which one of the above mentioned adds to the swelling of the potion (perhaps vanilla sugar). Use this potion daily to increase the vibes of love in your life.



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How to heal a broken heart with the help of demon Marbas


A mojo bag can also be used instead of a heart.


I do not suffer from a broken heart these days. I will never allow this to happen once more, because I do not want to suffer.

You will have to be selfish enough to stop the agony at once. Hunting for a new relationship is a trap that will bring you more pain. The worst it gets, the worst it gets.

A talisman in the form of a whole heart is used to heal a broken heart (or simply a Mojo bag). This bewitched item is then placed near the bed during night, and carried by the one who suffers from a broken heart.

The talisman, when kept close to the body, will influence the person on the unconscious level. The inner healing will begin.



A spell with Marbas (to heal a broken heart)


So, you will need:

textile to make a mojo bag

a ribbon

a pink candle (paint it with sunflower oil and roll it in cinnamon)

the seal of Marbas


The seal of Marbas from Goetia.


a few pieces of rose quarts (soothes a broken heart)

amethyst (for soberness in relationships)

clear quarts (amplifies the potency of this talisman)

crushed cinnamon sticks (or powder)


Cinnamon is used in healing spells too.

bay leaf




honey on a cotton ball

dried rose petals

a sheet of paper (with your written spell)

Form your ritual circle and call upon demon Marbas. Place all the ingredients in a small bowl on your altar. Light the candle.

Present the paper to the four elemental representations on your altar. Pass the paper through the smoke (Element of Air), over the central altar candle (Element of Fire), apply Holy water (Element of Water), and at last powder the paper with salt (Element of Earth).

Ask each Elemental power to cooperate with you. Read the spell three times from the paper. Fold the paper into a tiny scroll and place it into the talisman together with the herbs, honey on the cotton ball and gems.

Close the mojo bag. Raise power and project it into the talisman. Close your ceremony. Let the pink candle burn out completely.

Now the healing will begin. To speed up the healing you will have to deliberately distract yourself from thoughts of your X lover by focusing on some other subject than love.

I know you are powerful and you can do it. If I did it once upon a time, so can you do it.


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The evocation of demon Sabnock from Goetia

How to understand the Goetia if you are a beginner

Restless ghosts as a side effect of necromantic rituals and what to do









Ghosts are not dangerous. Necromantic magick can be done at the cemetery and also at home if you have graveyard dirt at home.




Restless ghosts



Restless ghosts have unresolved issues. Some of them should never be summoned, because you will never be able to get rid of them. I live together with a restless ghost. The ghost owns me.

I tried very hard to banish the stubborn ghost. The Goetia demons failed to drive away the restless man, because he loves me.

This post is about ghosts that can be banished. So, after summoning the dead during a ritual you may have a ghost in your space. If you have pets they will let you know when they see the ghost.

Pets will scream with regular intervals during nights. I do not know why the ghosts disturb my pets only during nights. All this means that you will wake up due to the noise every half an hour. The animals see the ghost with their psychic perception of reality.

I too, saw the ghost in my kitchen with my clairvoyant vision and at the same time my pets began to scream in panic. My intuition knew when the pets will start screaming the next time and it was right: my pets began screaming very soon (because of the ghosts mobility).

All this happened during several nights and very late at night. Then I realised that I had a ghost in my space as a side effect of my necromantic rituals.





Are ghosts dangerous?



The ghost is not dangerous at all if you summon a dead friend or somebody who loved you. But it feels yucky and the pets get scared. But ghosts can be dangerous (depends upon whom you summon).

How does the ghost look to us? They have no body at all, only a type of long transparent clothing that has very long and strange textile fibres (like degraded textile). The body is hollow and luminous from the inside. No head!

The ghost never disturbed me although I am sure it was in my bedroom and observed me while I was asleep.

But if I should be honest with you, I got scared when I encountered the ghost in my kitchen. The first thought was: “Holy shit! What is this? How dare this thing come and live with us?”

When you have realised that you have a guest living with you it’s time to act. No, you don’t have to call the Ghost Busters team.





Restless ghosts? Summon demon Sabnock!



Demon Sabnock is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.



You will have to do a ritual to get rid of your guest. The ritual is the reverse of the summoning ritual. Use the photo of the dead person, personal items and also dirt from his/her grave. Ask the ghost to depart to the world they came from.

You should also call upon demon Sabnock and ask him to protect you from the invading shades of the dead.

But if you want the ghost to depart, it is more suitable to call upon the necromancy demons of Goetia: Bune, Murmur, Samigina or Bifrons.

Do also a ritual with chamomile in a tiny cup. Mix the herb counter clockwise to calm your pets. This chamomile will be added in small quantities to the animal food (cook the food with chamomile).

After a week or so the pets will calm down and become harmonious. The crazy behaviour during nights will stop.





My blog


All my free articles and videos on the subject of magick are available. Here is My blog.